Getaway // c.h.

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Edited;, 1/7/16

She was broken and needed fixing.

Luckily he was there to help.

[All rights reserved]



so this is my new book Getaway.

Its a Calum Hood Fanfic and I have been wanting to do one for forever.

That being said I have a few more things to say

Be aware that this story will contain A LOT of profanity. I'm sorry if you don't like it but thats just the way I write my books and if you don't like it well than you can simply just fuck off.

Previously there was a lot of trigger warnings but the book is going through a lot of editing and im trying to keep them down on the minimum.

I am not the best writer in the world so my grammar nor my spelling is NOT perfect. If there are any mistakes in here that bug you please nicely comment and correct my mistake DON'T be that fucking ass face that acts like a complete ignorant asshole over it I WILL SLAY YOUR ASS.

A lot of changes are being made to this book so please read at your own risk starting now.

Alright guys thats all. I'm gonna go and don't forget to COMMENT and LIKE!


-vivian :)

getaway // cthWhere stories live. Discover now