Chapter 1 The Potions Accident

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A/N I noticed that even in the wizarding world of J.K. Rowlings books and the movies based on them that the disability of blindness still exists. So I decided to sho a little glimps into my world. The world and feelings of what it’s like to be blind. Many people take for granted the gift of sight and how important it is in daily life.

Imagin if you would what it would be like for those who have the gift of perfect vision to all of a sudden be plunged into darkness that you can’t run away from. These are the challenges that Will have to be delt with in this story. If you are curius than please read

June 31st 1991

Severus watched as the last of the Slytherin house students left the Hogwarts grounds for the summer holiday. He turned to go and pack his personal belongings so he too could go home and relax for the summer. Headmaster Albus Dumbledore greeted him with a warm smile as he walked through the large front doors of the castle.

“Well Severus, I see you are once again glad for the start of summer vacation,” said the headmaster, happily.

“Yes, Head master, I can’t wait to get home to Vivian and Ellenore,” said Severus as he turned to enter the dungeons. Professor Dumbledore smiled and took an envelope out of a pocket in his robes.

“I believe today is your young daughter’s eleventh birthday, is it not?” asked Dumbledore as he followed the potions master. Severus smiled slightly.

“Yes Headmaster it is her birthday. I plan on taking her to Diagon Alley to procure the items she will need to start school next term,” said Severus as he turned to face the headmaster.

“I thought you’d say that Severus,” said Albus as he held out the envelope for Severus to take. “Here is her acceptance letter. I thought you might want to give it to her early.”

Severus took the letter and deposited it safely into his pocket. “Thank you Head master, she will be very excited to have this so early.” he said, gratefully.

“Well then, Severus, I won’t keep you from your family any longer. Please enjoy your summer,” said Albus as he turned and walked in the other direction.

Summer was the one part of the year Severus truly enjoyed because it was the only time he got to spend with his wife and daughter. From September 1st to June 31st he stayed on Hogwarts grounds to watch over Slytherin house and teach potions class; he never got to go home for Christmas or Easter, so his wife and daughter spent those holidays alone.

As he gathered his belongings he began to imagine the looks of joy on the faces of his family. His wife would most likely rush into his arms and kiss him passionately. His lovely daughter would join her parents embrace by hugging his legs, making it hard for him to move.

Severus was ripped from his daydreams by a truly horrifying vision: he found himself standing in the special room in his house where his wife would work on her potions experiments. Things were not as they should have been, however. He saw his wife lying on the floor, motionless behind her cauldron. The whimpering sounds of his daughter could be heard from somewhere in the house.

“Mummy, where are you? Daddy, help me please I can’t find my mummy.” She called out, distressed. He dropped a heavy book on his foot as he realized that the vision was not just a dream. He stopped what he was doing and apparated home, fearing the worst.

When he arrived home he was horrified to see two mediwizards carrying what appeared to be the lifeless body of his wife out of the house.

He rushed forwards and was stopped by Cornelius Fudge, the Minister for Magic. Severus’s voice cracked as he struggled to get free from the strong grip of the other wizard, who was attempting to snap him back into the world of reality. Severus felt a brutal slap across his face. He turned and glared menacingly at Fudge.

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