Chapter 21 Baby Blues

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Five years later on November twelfth 2006 at two in the morning, Ellenore awoke with stabbing pains racking through her large pregnant body. She had been experiencing labor pains since eight o’clock the previous morning, but nothing as severe as this. She reached over and shook Draco, who was sleeping soundly.

“Mmmmm, what are you doing,” he asked as he yawned sleepily?

“Draco, Hospital wing, now,” she screamed out as another contraction hit her. Draco jumped out of bed and quickly hoisted Ellenore into his arms, before running as fast as he could in his bare feet through the cold dungeons. As Draco ran through the dungeons and up into the entrance hall Ellenore held tightly around his neck and sobbed into his shoulder.

As Draco neared the doors of the Hospital Wing Ellenore let out another ear shattering scream of pain. Poppy, heard her screams and burst from the hospital wing with three other medi-witches. “How close are the contractions,” she asked?

“Five minutes,” said Draco as he attempted to stay calm. He followed Poppy and the other Medi-witches into a private room near the back of the hospital wing.

The students of Slytherin and Hufflepuff houses whom had heard the screams all stood outside the hospital wing excitedly, while the prefects from Slytherin and Hufflepuff ran to inform the other two houses and the rest of the staff of the exciting happenings. In less time than it took for Draco to get his wife into the Hospital wing the entire school was waiting patiently outside the doors of the hospital wing listening to every scream that issued passed the closed doors.

Minerva came running downstairs and rushed into the hospital wing casting a silencing charm on the doors as she locked them behind her. As she approached the private room at the back of the hospital wing she heard Ellenore begging for someone to kill her. “Honestly Poppy can’t you give the poor dear something for the pain,” she asked as she entered the room?

“We did, but it’s having little effect on her,” said Draco as he winced in pain.

“Draco, what are you wincing for, Ellenore’s the one giving birth,” said Severus with an excited expression on his face?

“She’s breaking my damned hand,” screamed out Draco as Ellenore pushed again. “Your daughter is stronger than you are aware of. If you were alive I assure you that you would feel the same thing that I’m feeling now,” said Draco as Ellenore squeezed his hand again.

All of a sudden they heard the angry cries of the baby boy whom was finally free from the confines of his mother’s womb. Ellenore had fainted from the pain and was being attended to by two of the medi-witches while another bustled over to Draco and examined his broken hand. “You’re going to need medical treatment as well Mr. Malfoy. Please have a seat so that I can heal your hand, said the medi-witch as she handed him a vial of skeligrow and a level four pain potion.

Severus floated over his grandson protectively. “Draco, your son is the most beautiful baby that I’ve ever seen. He’s got your eyes and I have a feeling your hair as well when it grows in,” said Severus proudly.

“What are you going to name him, asked Minerva as she gazed at the baby over Poppy’s shoulder?

Ellenore had been revived by the medi-witches while everyone else was occupied, and spoke up. “His name is Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy,” she said making Draco’s head whip around to face her.

“Darling are you alright, he asked as the medi-witch finished wrapping his hand in a cast.

“If you must know I feel like I’ve just suffered the cruciartis curse again,” said Ellenore as she attempted to sit up a little straighter in her bed.

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