Chapter 3 The Blind First Year

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Two days before September 1st Severus helped Ellenore pack her trunk for Hogwarts. Ellenore was happy to be going, but scared about her father not being with her when she left on the Hogwarts Express. She was also very nervous that she would be put in any house except for the one that she wanted badly to be in. Severus apparated to Malfoy Manner with Ellenore walking slightly behind him after they apparated. As they entered the front doors of Malfoy Manner, he bent and gave her a strong hug.

“I know that you’re nervous about this, but it’s a tradition for all first years to ride the Hogwarts Express. After that they ride across the black lake in boats. Then they are led into the great hall and sorted into their houses. If you hear the sorting hat suggest that you be placed in a house that you don’t want, all you have to do is ask it to place you in whatever house that you want. Although I think that I have a pretty good guess on which house you will choose. I love you, and will see you when you get there. I have made arrangements for you, so don’t be scared. Draco will be with you and I have arranged for a prefect to meet you at platform 9 ¾. Even if Draco leaves you alone the prefect will not leave your side until it is necessary.”

He gave his daughter one last pat on the head and left the house. As the door shut behind him, Ellenore turned and listened until she heard the soft pop of her father apparating outside the manner. Then she turned to go upstairs and was stopped by Narcissa’s voice calling her from the sitting room.

She went into the sitting room and found the sofa that her godparents were sitting on. Lucius smiled happily.

“So Ellenore, are you ready for a great adventure?” he asked as he took a sip of hot earl grey tea.

“Umm, yes sir, I am as ready as I can get.”

“Your father told us that you’ve got a splendid wand made from the same wood and core as his. He also told us that it was beautiful, and suited you nicely. May we see it?” asked Narcissa with excitement in her voice. Ellenore pulled her wand from its place in the scabbard and showed it to her godparents proudly.

“It’s marvellous.” said Narcissa as she looked at the spiral design.

“I’m glad that you’re going to get a lot of use out of it. We were just about to take Draco shopping for his school supplies, do you have anything that you need or want to purchase?” asked Lucius.

“I’ve already purchased all of my supplies, but I would like to come along. My dad said that I can purchase my very own owl if I wanted to. So I would love to go and find a nice one.” When Draco entered the sitting room Narcissa took Hold of Ellenore’s hand and led her into the floo. Once the four of them were in Diagon Alley, Narcissa led Ellenore to the magical pet shop to pick out an owl for her while Lucius took Draco to get his new robes at Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions.

There were so many owls in the pet shop to choose from. Ellenore didn’t care what colour the owl was as long as it was friendly in nature. She moved from cage to cage listening to the hooting owls, until she came to a cage holding a large brown great horned owl, which hooted softly and gently took an owl treat from her hand.

“Aunt Narcissa, what colour is this one, He seems very nice.” Narcissa walked over to the cage and peered in at the owl that was bobbing its head happily and following Ellenore’s every move with its large yellow eyes.

“He is a large brown great horned owl. He has a bit of white on his chest and some lovely spots of darker brown on his feathers.”

“Can I hold him?” asked Ellenore seeking to feel the softness of the feathers under her fingers. The shop owner took the softly hooting owl out of his cage and he flew and landed on Ellenore’s shoulder, hooting softly as her other hand gently stroked his wings. “He’s the one that I want, Aunt Narcissa.” Ellenore paid for her new owl and the shop owner handed her the owl care and training manual and the large bag of owl treats and bedding for the cage. As they left the shop and continued their shopping Ellenore read over the care and training books, and had decided on a name for her new owl.

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