Chapter 10 Tri-wizard Tournament

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Chapter 10 Tri-wizard Tournament

Ellenore woke early on the morning of her fourteenth birthday to the smell of banana walnut pancakes wafting through her bedroom door. She jumped out of bed and changed into her favourite set of olive green robes. As she entered the sitting room, she heard her father turning the page of his morning paper. She walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Good morning, daddy. Is there anything interesting in the morning paper?” Severus arched an eyebrow and smiled mischievously.

“There’s nothing too interesting, unless you count a certain girl’s birthday today.” Ellenore smiled gleefully.

“Dad, you know I seriously doubt that the Daily Prophet would consider my birthday so important that it would be in the paper,” she said.

“Really,” said Severus as he turned the page. “I wouldn’t say that, if I were you.” he said as he handed his daughter the paper and guided her hand to a certain section on the page. Ellenore began to read the section out loud.

We would like to wish many happy returns to Ellenore Eileen Snape. Birthday’s come but once a year, may your birthday be particularly special this year. All my love, Daddy.

P.S. Go to my office and look in the top drawer. There is a special something that I want you to have.

Ellenore dropped the paper and flung herself into her father’s arms.

“Daddy, you didn’t have to do this.” she said as she hugged him a little too tightly. Severus untangled himself from his daughter’s grasp and turned her in the direction of his office door.

“Go and get your first birthday gift of the day, Elly.” Ellenore didn’t bother calling for Amiri since the entrance to her father’s office was attached to his living quarters.

She walked into his book strewn office and took a seat behind his large black desk. She opened the top drawer and felt around inside for her gift. Her hand ran across a flat oval shaped parcel that was wrapped in silk cloth and tied with a satin ribbon. There was an envelope with her name on it tucked neatly under the ribbon.

She carefully pulled the parcel out of the drawer and set it on her lap as she tugged the envelope free. She opened it carefully and read the letter before ripping into the gift.

Dearest Ellenore,

In this life there are many things I have done that I regret. Your creation and birth is not one of those things. There are many times thus far that I, as a man, have not been able to help you with, due to the fact that there are just some things that you will never feel comfortable sharing with me. It is for that reason that I have decided to give you one of my most precious possessions. The ribbon holding it closed is, in actuality, an emerald green choker that used to belong to your grandmother, Eileen Prince. She was in Ravenclaw house but, like you, loved the colour green. The wrapping is a light summer cloak that I gave your mother on our wedding day. She wanted you to have it. I will not be sending you home on the Hogwarts Express today; instead I will be taking you out for a special birthday dinner before we go to our home for the summer. Do not spoil your appetite by filling up on sweets.



Ellenore put the envelope in her pocket and carefully untied the ribbon that bound the parcel closed. In the centre was an oval shaped locket that had the Prince coat of arms on it. Inside the locket was a moving and talking portrait of her grandmother, Eileen Prince, and another of her father. Both voices greeted her ears when she opened it.

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