Chapter 12 Choice and Loss

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A/N Thank you all for reading please make note that this chapter is the reason that this story is rated M, If you are not of proper age or maturity to read things that are rated M, then please go no further. If you are of proper reading age then please enjoy.

After Severus had seen the last of the Slytherin students off for the summer and Ellenore had said her goodbyes to all of her friends and Professors, it was then that they flooed home to Spinners End with their trunks.

“Amiri, you have done very well this school year. As a treat, you may do as you please until I have need of you tomorrow.” said Ellenore as she used an unpacking spell on her belongings.

“May I go and visit my Blinky?” asked Amiri happily.

“Yes, she will be glad to see you.” said Ellenore as she patted Amiri affectionately on the head. “Just make sure that you’re listening for me to call you.” said Ellenore as she changed into one of her favourite green dresses.

Severus was waiting in his library for Ellenore to come down so they could go out for their traditional birthday dinner. He looked up as his sixteen year old daughter tapped the door frame with her cane.

“I’m ready to go now, Dad.” She said as she entered the room. Severus closed his book and walked over to take hold of his daughter’s hand.

“Ellenore, I’m extremely proud of you, Poppet. Tonight we have a lot to discuss. There are things that you will have to go through the Ministry of Magic to accomplish, but before you do, I need to tell you something vitally important.” Severus took his daughter to one of the most expensive restaurants in wizarding London for her birthday dinner. Once they ate their meal, they sat there and talked.

“Ellenore, there are things that I have been meaning to tell you for years, but at the time I thought that you were too young to understand. Before you react, please listen carefully to every word because it may mean your life if you don’t,” He said as he took a long drink from his firewhiskey. Ellenore took a sip of her wine and sat back in her seat expectantly.

“Years ago, I fell in love with the most beautiful witch I had ever met. That witch was your mother,” he began. “Before you were born, your mother and I were both death eaters. Your mother was the only child of the leader of the death eaters, the Dark Lord. After you were born, I switched sides and started working as a spy for Dumbledore. Because I had married the Dark Lord’s daughter and had worked hard to earn his trust, he never discovered my disloyalty.

“The Dark Lord kills those who are proven to be disloyal. The mark on my left forearm is his mark. He uses it to summon his followers. You can also use it to summon other death eaters and him to you. All of those times that I came home in bad shape… it was because I either got into a fight and was injured by aurors or, in the case of the last time, the Dark Lord used the cruciatus curse on me.” said Severus.

“Let me get this straight, dad. You are one of those death eaters that Draco is so fascinated with, but you are loyal to the light? If the Dark Lord ever finds out that you are double-crossing him, he will kill you? And did you say that this Dark Lord person is my Grandfather?” asked Ellenore with a shocked look on her face, the questions stumbling from her mouth.

“Yes, Ellenore, but that’s not the worst thing I have to tell you. The Dark Lord has ordered that I tell you all of this before he summoned me, or I would face death. Furthermore, I am to bring you with me when I am summoned. Refusal to do so will cause us both death.” he said as he drained his cup of firewhiskey. Just then, he felt the familiar burn of the dark mark. He got up from his seat, leaving his money on the table and taking Ellenore by the hand. “He’s summoning us. We have to go now.” he said as he led her quickly from the restaurant and into the street.

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