Chapter17 Ellenore's Choice

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After Ellenore and Blinky disapparated from Spinners End, Ellenore found herself at the locked front gates of a grand Manor that, in its glory days, would have easily rivalled the splendour of Malfoy Manor. She knew from the letter that pertained to the Manor that it was protected by all types of wards to stop it from being discovered. It was unplottable and, if anyone was to pass the property, they would see acres of green, rolling hills dotted here and there with grazing sheep habituating the horizon.

She placed her hand on the gate, that only Blinky and herself could see, and entered the grounds. The grounds were overgrown and the paint was cracked and peeling.

“Well, Blinky, if it looks this rough on the outside, we are going to need help to get this place back in a liveable condition. Let’s take a look inside so we can get a better scope of exactly what is needed.” said Ellenore as she unlocked the massive front doors of Snape Manor. Once they entered the manor, the smell of dust, mould and mildew assaulted her senses. Here was the place she was born, here was the place that her mother had lost her life and took her sight with it. She walked hand in hand with Blinky around the house, seeing everything through Blinky’s eyes.

As they walked from room to room, taking note of what needed to be done, Ellenore stopped at the heavy steal reinforced door that led into the Laboratory where her mother had lost her life. The many shelves were empty and the room was black with a combination of dust, dirt and soot from the explosion.

Ellenore saw the old art table that had saved her life sitting, forgotten and alone, in the corner. She crossed the room and ran her hands over the remains of her mother’s melted cauldron. The memory of her mother’s smiling face came flooding back to her.

“Blinky, we are definitely going to need help. Let’s take a little trip to Diagon Alley.” she said as she turned away from the melted caldron.


Two weeks passed and Ellenore, along with the help of Blinky and three new house elves, worked hard on getting the house and grounds back in order. It took hours of hard physical and magical work, but soon the house was as good as new. The marble floors and mantelpieces shone brilliantly, the furniture and drapes had all been either cleaned or replaced; she even had an old friend come in and help out with decoration. Millicent Bulstrode was now working as an interior designer and was overjoyed to lend her artistic eyes and skills to her old friend.

“Ellenore, I’m sorry about your dad.” she said as she put the finishing touches to the manor.

“My father was a better man than anyone ever gave him credit for. He may be gone from this world but he will always be with me.” said Ellenore as she blinked back tears. They were silent for a heartbeat.

“You know, you shouldn’t have left Draco like that. He’s a complete mess. He almost got his head blown off in Auror practice last week because he was so distraught.” said Millicent.

“He knows that I have my reasons, Millicent. However, if it means that much to you, I will contact him soon. Oh and by the way, don’t go blabbering to anyone about where I am.” said Ellenore with a very Snape like expression on her face that made Millicent burst out laughing.

“Elly, has anyone ever told you how much you look like your dad?” asked Millicent.

“Yes, I’ve heard it a few times as of late. Millicent, you have to promise me that you won’t tell Draco where I am.” said Ellenore with a serious look on her face.

“I promise that I won’t tell him.” said Millicent as she gathered her things and apparated from the front porch.

Now that Snape Manor was back in order, Ellenore felt at peace. She decided to take Minerva up on the offer she had made to her before she had left Malfoy Manor. She walked up into the master bedroom and changed into one of the many sets of robes that were left to her by her mother and her father’s black travelling cloak; she had had Blinky retrieve from the old house at Spinners End.

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