When We First Met

938 22 11

Alois's Prov.

"That's shit!" I yell, throwing another outfit, "And so is that!"

I am trying to find an outfit to wear to my costume party tonight, but I haven't been able to find one. I was thinking about going a bit slutty, but most people would say I already dress like that on a daily basis. I disagree, I think I should be able to wear what makes me feel comfortable about myself.

"Hannah, strip" I smirk as she froze, wanting to laugh.

"Come on then, hurry up!" I yell, losing patience. She quickly, but quietly took her clothes off. Now at this point any other boy would be staring and gawking at her boobs, I mean they are huge, but I've never been interested in women. If I think about it I haven't really ever shown an interest in men or woman, let alone a demon woman.

The only sexual thing I have ever gone through was with that disgusting old man, and that was rape, so I feel that it shouldn't count.

I do believe that I may be gay though, I know I'm very flamboyant, and I mean, I think that Ciel is kind of hot, so it would make a lot of sense. I honestly could care less, it's not like I'm planning on making Ciel mine or anything.

"Now give me your clothes!" I yelled and she jumps.

"Yes, your highness" I just glare as I take them, "Claude dress me!"

I have no idea how to even begin to put a woman's dress on, so I hand Claude the clothes to put on me.

"Yes, your highness" He says in monotone and I smile.

After Claude dressed me and added hair extensions, I was already late for my own party, and the only reason that I threw a party is here. Ciel Phantomhive.

I needed to kill him, but now, looking at him, I don't think I can. It isn't really him that I want to hurt, It's Sebastian Michaelis. He is the real monster, the one who murdered the whole town, including my brother, the one person I cared about.

I hate Ciel though, mostly because I feel that I have to, because he made a contract with that monster.

I head down the stairs to find the pirate across the room alone, who was ironically, but not surprisingly, dressed as a pirate. I have to admit he looks cute, but I'm not interested in him at all. Now on the outside I'm always begging people to love me, but in the inside, I've lost all hope of anyone ever loving me, how could they? I'm nothing but a mess, I only cause more problems.

I walk up to Ciel and stand in front of him in a bubbly, girly manner. I can't help but notice him blush slightly at the sight of me, which makes me think. 'Well that's weird...I never expected him to like flat chested 'girls'. Nice going, Ciel"

I get closer to him and like his ear, "I've been waiting for you, Ciel," I whisper quietly.

"A-Alois?" He whispers in shock.

"Good guess, Cutie" I smirk and whisper seductively, noticing him blushing more.

'So he knows I'm a guy...interesting'

Ciel's Prov.

'He is Beautiful. More than I could have imagined.' I thought to myself, feeling myself blush deeply. Never in my life did I think I'd have such thoughts about Alois Trancy.

I could feel my cheeks heat up as he leans in close to me and licks my ear, whispering into it.

"I've been waiting for you Ciel" he whispered seductively.

'Your voice is Beautiful' I can't help but think as I blush more.

"A-Alois?" I could tell he was shocked that I knew it was him. Especially when he whispered his reply.

"Good guess, cutie" I heard him giggle in what seemed to be a happy tone.

I blushed even more when he said that, feeling a strange feeling when he called me cutie.

"Lets go somewhere else, here is boring" the blond whispers again, grabbing my hands slightly.

I froze, not knowing what to say. I don't normally say yes to these types of questions, I usually walk away, but I feel different now. I have this uncontrollable feeling yelling at me to stay with him, to do what he wants. It is annoying.

"S-sure" I replied, the uncontrollable feeling taking over and making my decisions.

'Did I just stutter?' I froze again. I can't understand what is going on, or why I feel this way about him. I have to stop this feeling, or he might suspect something.

"Let's go then!" He shouts pulling me out of the ballroom.

I notice that we look like we are going out to fuck around with eachother, which causes us to become the center of some people's attention. I see people start to stare and I glare at them. They don't know anything about us, or what our plans are. They're just stupid rich people that assume the worst of people.

He takes me out to his garden. I grown softly as he drags me through it, though on the inside I feel my heart racing in my chest. I can feel the blood coursing through my veins as I look at him and my arm is all warm where he is holding it. he makes me feel warm and I want to get closer. He makes me feel happy, but I wish he didn't.

"Let's play a game" he says smirking as he suddenly stops and looks at me

"what kind of-" he interrupts my sentence by taking my eyepatch and running off

"Catch me if you can~" he giggles and runs off

"Hey! Give that back!" I run after him, running untill I end up getting lost. my lungs are burning and I feel as if I am going to pass out. 'Dammit' I thought to myself, panting, 'how could you be this stupid'.

Sudddenly I feel arms wrap around my waist and I freeze as I hear him, "tired, Phantomhive?"

He giggles as I calm down and seem to enjoy the embrace, "What are you doing?" I look at him and blush as he smirks.

"Oh Ciel, I'm gonna make you mine!" he smirks and giggles happily.

"W-What!?" I yell in question, surprised and scared. How can I hide these feelings when he wants me to be his.

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