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I grit my teeth as they approach us, wanting to punch Cyrus in the face for what his father had done so many years ago. He had a smug look on his face as he came up to me.

"Someone looks upset" he smirks and pushes me.

Anger washes over me and I can no longer hold it in, years of him bullying me added with his father's betrayal made me way beyond angry. I punched him in the face, prepared to get punched back, "I'm sick of your shit, demon"

His eyes glow red with anger, "What did you just call me?"

I had obviously struck a cord somewhere, whether it was the punch in the face or the name calling was beyond me. I looked at him and smiled, taunting him, "you really are a demon, aren't you, Michaelis?"

He attempts to punch me, but I duck under, knowing his moves. He knees me in the stomach, causing me to cough up some blood, as my body is very weak. I kick him off his feet and repeatedly kick him. Alois dragged me away before I could stomp on his chest, "I died because of your father!" I scream and kick at him, trying to get out of Alois's hold.

The whole class is watching now, because what I said didn't even begin to make sense in there minds. Everybody assumes that reincarnation is a myth, that it could never possibly happen, but Alois and I are living proof of it.

Cyrus looked at me, shocked by the fact that I even knew who his father could possibly be, then he chuckled, "So this is about my father, huh, should have known he was talking about you, Phantomhive"

"What?" I am shocked, 'he talks about me?', I didn't understand why he would ever talk about me, he let me die all those years ago, "He betrayed me"

"Maybe so, but by doing that he lost the soul he so desperately desired" Cyrus responded, standing up, "man, if he found out that I'd been beating on you, he'd probably kill me," he chuckles again, "he treasured you, maybe that's why he betrayed you"

The way he was talking made me think. He seemed jealous, but refrained from touching me now that he knew who I was, or rather, who I used to be.

"I don't care why he did it, he pissed me off by doing so, I never got my revenge" I growl at him, "and I lost my life, before I could spend it with the one that I loved"

Alois gasped as he put the pieces together, using my words to link his nightmares to reality, to find that they were memories, not just messed up dreams. I will wait for him to be flirty with me, before showing him that I still love him, because I don't want to be wrong, there is a chance that he doesn't love me anymore.

"That is enough class" the teacher says as she walks in, "get seated before I send you to the office"

I feel lucky that she did not walk in when we were actually fighting, because that would mean school suspension for both of us. This would be a very rocky rest of the school year.

I couldn't help but think about how Cyrus had acted, it was so strange for him to talk to me in a semi-civilized way. I wanted to have answers to the questions that I had, but I had too many and no one besides Sebastian could ever answer them, and I never want to see him again.

I sit in my chair and look forward, waiting for class to begin. Homeroom was probably the most boring class, due to it consisting of doing nothing for ten minutes, but it was short. I just didn't know how I was going to survive the whole school day.

I already felt like I was going to throw up, and I wanted nothing but to curl up in Alois's arms and sleep, but I knew that wasn't possible. I would hate to look as weak as I am, I can throw a punch, but I can't take them, I guess I'm sort of like a glass cannon. Cyrus has a black eye now, and probably bruises on his sides. I hope he hurts, I hope he feels the pain he put me through the last 8 years that he has been bullying me.

I suffer through the rest of the school day, Sebastian and Cyrus never leaving my mind.

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