Good Morning

501 14 3

Alois's Prov.

I woke up at about 5 in the morning, although I normally wouldn't wake up so early, I couldn't sleep any longer. I can't stop thinking about every single possibility that could happen when I go to meet Ciel. I can't wait to see him.

I sit up in bed and stretch, dangling my feet over the edge of the bed. I get up, slipping on some slippers and get ready for the day.

I got into the bathroom and brush my teeth, admiring myself in the mirror. My crystal blue eyes glow with delight and my platinum blond hair is messy, but I still look amazing.

I brush through my hair to get rid of the nots, but then put my hand through it to mess it up again, "now it is a contained mess," I giggle and leave the bathroom.

I return to my own room to look over all of the things that I have packed for my trip, I'm unsure how long I will be staying for, but it looks as if I'm planning on moving in. I have packed almost everything I use on a daily basis.

I get myself dressed before yelling for Claude, "Prepare the carriage, we leave in twenty minutes"

He had came and left without a word, only nodding at my command.

I ran down to the dinning hall and found my breakfast already prepared for me, Sunny-Side-Up eggs with some toast and a glass of cranberry juice.

"mmm~" I said to my lonesome as I began to eat my breakfast.

It didn't take me long to eat breakfast and my servants collected my breakfast before I even finished standing up. They seem scared of me, which if they really are, that makes them pathetic, because I'm merely a human and they are demons.

Claude had the carriage made before I had gotten out there, so I ran to the carriage quickly, before Claude could even get back with all my stuff.

"Come Claude! You'll make us late!" I shout even though we still had a few minutes till I said I was going to leave.

He puts my stuff into the carriage quickly before getting in and heading towards the Phantomhive Manor. Around this time I started to feel panicked, thinking about the bad things that could happen with me going there, 'what if he kicks me out?' I think, 'what if he really doesn't like me?'

I get angry for a second before my anger dissolves into determination, I'll never know how things will turn out until I try. "I'm on my way Ciel, to steal what you stole from me, your heart" I laugh and stare out the window with anticipation.

Ciel's Prov.

I woke up around 8 to the smell of freshly brewed Earl Grey Tea, as my butler, Sebastian, walks through the door.

"Breakfast, my Lord" He says as I rub my eyes, still tired as I have just woken up.

I reluctantly sit up and stretch, tiredly. I notice that he has also made some scones and blueberry tarts for me this morning.

He sets the tray on my lap and explains what everything is before heading out of the room to let me eat in peace.

In all honesty, I think about now is when he plays with his kittens. I know he has them, even though he denies that he does. he knows I'm allergic, but he doesn't care. I wouldn't want them in the house even if I wasn't allergic though, I don't like cats and I don't want to please Sebastian by letting him have them wander around the house. He is just a cat obsessed idiot.

I continue to eat when my mind wanders to think about Alois and the note he sent me last night. I never actually read it, because Sebastian never actually gave it to me, he just told me what it said. I wonder if he told me everything that it said, or if he left out some details. it seemed short, but he was demanding, it was kind of cute, though it did show that he did love me and he wanted me to be his.

I know that he wants to win me over, and that is exactly why he is coming over. Little does he know, he already has won me over. he slipped in and stole my heart. He made me fall to the floor in confusion. I am still extremely confused about my love for him, but I know that I do love him. I know very little when it comes to my emotions, I never really have. In all honesty, loving Alois scares me. Even after everything I have been through, loving him is what scares me the most. That's why he can never know how I feel.

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