The Plan

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Alois's PROV.

"I know he likes me, I just need him to admit it" I talk to myself as I sit upside down on a sofa in the foyer. 

'what I need is a plan' I think boredly, 'but what could I possibly do to get him to confess?'

I start to think about possible things I could do to Ciel to make him confess, "I, too sexual,, too perverted"

I suddenly jump up excitedly and look at Claude, "I know! I'll go over to his house and bug, I mean hang out with him!" I giggle, "Claude, we leave first thing tomorrow"

"yes, your highness" he replies in a monochromatic tone.

I run to my room, full of excitement, packing my stuff for tomorrow. I ended up packing way more than I needed and it almost seemed like I planned to move into his house. the stuff consisted of my clothes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and other stuff that I didn't even need to bring with me.

After I got everything around I finally headed to bed, determined that tomorrow I would make Ciel mine, 'you will belong to me, Phantomhive' 

Ciel's PROV.

I was in my Study, falling aslee- I mean doing paperwork, when Sebastian walked into the room.

He stays quiet for a second before I look at him, a bored and emotionless expression on my face, "what do you want?"

"My Lord, I have come to inform you that the Earl Trancy insist on coming over tomorrow morning for breakfast and tea, he also plans on staying with you for a few days" he states calmly in a professional manner, seemingly pleased as he sees the shocked expression on my face.

"W-what?" I ask, hoping that he is lying, but knowing he is not, due to the contract we had made.

Sebastian goes to repeat himself but I stop him before he can, "I heard you, but why does he think he can just invite himself over?" I sound frustrated and I am, if he stays with me than I will have an even harder time hiding the affection that I have for him.

I then come to the realization that he is doing this on purpose, he wants me to confess to him, because despite my claims, he still believes that I love him, and he isn't wrong, but he won't hear that from me.

"I am unsure, Bocchan" Sebastian replies to my question before I send him away.

I try to continue my work, but the boredom gets the best of me and I fall asleep, dreaming about all of the things that could possibly happen tomorrow.


I wake up in the morning and feel an unusually warm presence next to me, and feel someones arms wrapped around me, holding me.

"A-lois?" I turn to him, my face bright red and my hands on his chest

"Morning, beautiful" he says with a smirk and kisses my forehead.

"Get out of my room" I state with a cold, tired tone.

"Awww, but I was hoping to kiss, maybe make out a bit" he giggles, "maybe more if things work out" he winks.

My face turns from slightly red to a dark shade of red, "N-no, that's not gonn-" 

Before I finish I feel his lips on mine, and then in a flash, the scene fades away.


I look around, shocked and aroused as I woke up. 

I started to panic a bit as I felt like I was being carried somewhere, but then I realized that it was just Sebastian.

"Young lord, you shouldn't dream about Alois, it makes you all flustred and other things" he smirks, knowing more than he should.

"S-shut up, p-pervert!" I smack him in the face, jumping out of his arms and running down the hall, wishing that he had not noticed my situation. 

I slam my door and lock him out, sliding down the door and putting my face in my hands, 'what are you doing to me Alois?' I glare and then go into the bathroom, changing into my nightgown, or rather my oversized buttonup shirt, before going to figure out what to do about my 'problem'

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