Dream Boy

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History has to be one of the worst classes in the entire school day, not only is my teacher incredibly boring, I've also already learned most of the criteria. I know all the way up to the 20th century because of my past life, and we are still on concepts from before the 19th century. The only thing good about history is that it is the last period of the day and I don't really have to pay attention. I just can't wait till I can head home.

Sebastian and Cyrus slip out of my mind in this class, because Alois is a major distraction for me. The blonde boy is sitting in front of me fiddling with his hair boredly. I just stare, thinking about how perfect he is. His platinum blonde hair flows in such a cute, but messy way and his body curves perfectly. I love his style of clothing, it seemed to fit his body and bubbly personality perfectly.

I start to blush as I am filled with the realization that I have fallen for this boy, for a second time. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach as I thought about him, and about kissing him, and how perfect his lips were. I put my head on my desk, unable to stop thinking about him. My lack of restful sleep catches up to me and I drift off into my dreams, my mind not once getting off the topic of the blonde sitting in front of me.


The Blackness in my head faded into a colorful scene. At first it is blurry, but as it clears up I see the bubbly blonde sitting across from me, resting his chin on his hands while staring lovingly into my eyes. I look back at him, blushing deeply and feeling the feeling of butterflies in my stomach intensify as he starts to speak.

"Ciel...you are so cute" He giggles in admiration, "I could look at you all day if you'd just let me"

"Alois..." I feel my face flush unsure of what I should say, "I-I'm not.."

I suddenly can't hold back the emotions I've sworn to hide as I feel him kiss me softly. I instantly wrap my arms around his neck, feeling an overwhelming feeling rush though me as I kissed him back deeply. His lips seem to fit perfectly with mine and feel so soft, I never want the feeling to stop. I moan softly as he tugs on my lip slightly before pulling away.

"Ciel~!" he giggles and blushes and I feel like I'm being shaken.

"Ciel, wake up" I hear him say.


"Ciel," He giggles and hands me some papers, "you missed all of class, although I doubt that matters"

I nod and look at him, thinking about how beautiful his eyes are, "yeah...This class is too easy"

Alois kisses my forehead and stands up as the bell rings, "let's go cutie~"

I blush at his touch and more when he calls me cutie, "I-I'm not cute," I say to defend myself.

"Oh really?" he giggles and takes my hand in his, "I guess that means I'm just seeing things, right?"

I nod and smile softly, my cheeks turning a bright red, "Let's go, this place sucks"

He laughs at my comment and takes me to our lockers, "wanna do our homework together at your place tonight? Maybe have me sleep over?" he asks me with a mischievous grin that makes my fading blush reappear.

"Sure, what all do you have?" I ask putting my stuff in my locker neatly.

"Not much," he says as he shoves stuff in his locker, leaving out his backpack and homework before shutting his locker, "I did most of it in study hall, but I still have math and obviously history"

I nod and take my homework and math book out of my locker and put in in my backpack. I wonder about what will happen tonight, considering that I do not have parents. A lot could happen, knowing Alois, he is probably going to tease me a lot. I blush just thinking about it and jump slightly when the blonde comes up from behind and wraps his arms around me, "what's taking you so long~? and why are you blushing so much today?~"

I bite my lip, unsure of what to say, "I-I don't k-know"

He giggles happily and takes my hand again, shutting my locker and practically dragging me out of the school building, "Phantomhive, tonight is going to be the best~ I can just feel it~" I hear him saw and know that he is smiling like an obnoxious idiot. He makes me blush, no matter what it is that he does or says.

I know that I won't be able to hide my feelings from him much longer, they are much stronger that they were in my past life, and I couldn't hide them then. I follow him quietly down our street and look around, the street was unusually quiet. There was normally kids running around at this time, but since it is starting to get cold their parents tend to keep them inside more often. It had started to snow and I could tell Alois was cold, despite his coat he was wearing.

At this point I sped up and started dragging him, "Come on slow poke, let's get home"

He smiles and follows happily, speeding up so that he was beside me, "Ciel, you are so thoughtful"

I smirk softly and walk into my house, "Am I?" I shut the door behind him and set my stuff on the couch, glad to finally be home.

He grabs my waist, pulling me close, "yes you are, my beautiful Ciel," he says as he caresses my cheek and pushes my hair out of my face, causing me to blush as I look up at him.

"W-what?" I ask, confused.

"I will not lose you this time, Ciel" He whispers and kisses my lips gently and passionately. I am frozen in shock, but not because he is kissing me, but because he is shaking, he is scared. 'What happened after I died?' I wonder as I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss back.

I feel tears drip onto my face and he pulls me back, "Ciel...I thought I could never have you, you are my best friend, but after those dreams, and maybe before, you seemed to be much more. You are so adorable and you blush at everything I say, but the last time I confessed you ended up dying just days after..."

"I wish they were just dreams...the things that happened..." he starts to cry harder and I start to panic, having no idea how to handle the situation.

"You confessed...and they shot you...I couldn't handle it...there was blood everywhere...I mutilated myself...I still can't handle it..." My eyes widen, knowing what my usually bubbly friend was suggesting. I tear up slightly as I push up his sleeve and saw wraps on his arm. I take it off and see fresh cuts, causing my throat to instantly tighten. I had no idea that he hurt so bad.

I look up at him, "When?"

He shakes, "When I realized it was real..." he completely breaks down and I realize just how much Alois really loves me. I get down on my knees and pull him close to me, kissing his head.

"In this life, our past is just dreams, I'm here, and so are you, we will not die. We can live the way we should have long ago. I am so in love with you Alois, and nothing will change that." I lift his head and dry his tears, kissing his cheeks, then his nose and finally his lips. I know this love will not be easy, it was never meant to be and never will be, but I will do anything to keep Alois. I will be his, and he will be mine.

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