I'll Make You Love Me

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Alois's Prov.

It seemed to take hours to get to the Phantomhive manor. I was bored out of my mind by the time we reached the front gates, even though it only took about a half an hour to get there.

When the carriage finally stopped, I jumped out of it and ran to Ciel's manor. I couldn't wait to see him, to show him just how much I love him and how much he actually loves me. I knock on the door excitedly and repeatedly until Sebastian answers it.

"Welcome, Alois Trancy" Sebastian says as he answered the door, "What business do you have here?"

"I have come to talk with my dearest, Ciel Phantomhive, of course" I smirk as I reply.

I feel all giddy inside as I hear Ciel walk down the stairs behind Sebastian, walking towards the door.

"You really shouldn't invite yourself into other people's manors," he states in monotone, "It's rude."

"I know, my dear, but I just couldn't help myself" I giggle, "I just couldn't bare not seeing you, my love"

He rolls his eyes and turns away from me, "whatever, come on," he walks away, expecting me to follow.

I smile brightly, wanting nothing but to kiss him as I follow him into his backyard. His backyard turns into a beautiful garden. It is big and full of several different kinds of flowers. my favorite flowers were in there as well, bluebells, they are absolutely beautiful and mean a lot to me. I was mesmerized by the site. I looked around and saw many other flowers, such as red and silver roses, tulips, lilies, and snap dragons. In another section of the garden was fruits and vegetables. I was mesmerized and I knew that Ciel noticed.

I noticed him staring at me, noticing my reaction to the beautiful garden. I knew that he was looking to see if he impressed me, and I know that he knows he did.

"Do you like what you see?" I turn to him, watching his eyes widen and face turn bright red before looking away.

"Y-no, I mean, I'm not attracted to you" he states, but is clearly lying.

"I know you are lying" I giggle.

"Let's just...change the subject" he states and sits on a bench in the middle of the garden, which is facing the bluebell and the roses.

I sat down next to him and pointed out the bluebells, "those are my favorite kind of flowers"

"They are rather beautiful, but I prefer sterling silver roses" he responds, looking at the flowers.

"It's so peaceful out here" I comment, "I love it"

We sat and talked on the bench for a good two hours, not noticing the time passing, or our two butler watching us as we talked. We talked about many different things, but ended up on the topic of our favorite flowers again.

"Why do you like bluebells?" he asked me and I told him about me and my brother and how we used to play in a field of them.

I go over and pick one of the silver roses, "So why do you like these?" I ask as I carefully take all the thorns off and place it behind his ear.

He blushes as I do this and looks in into my eyes with his beautiful sapphire blue eye, "they are just majestic and smell nice" he states calmly.

He looked so beautiful, so elegant at that moment. The rose brought out his pale skin and made his eye seemingly glow blue. His thin lips looked so soft, so kissable. At that moment I wanted nothing but to kiss his lips, they fit so perfectly with mine, and I could only imagine how amazing it would feel in he actually kissed me back.

'just one ki- no, that wouldn't be right' I thought to myself, 'I need to control myself.'

I stare deeply into his one eye as he stares into mine. I almost expect him to kiss me, it looks like he wants to. I wonder if he actually does. I hope he does, but he probably doesn't.

He starts to blush even more and looks away. I giggle and wrap my arms around him, causing him to blush even deeper.

"You're beautiful, Phantomhive" I state honestly, "you're so cute when you blush so much"

"S-shut up" he mumbles, "I-I'm n-not cute"

"Never~" I giggle happily.

He pushes me away and glares at me before walking away. I, of course, follow him to where ever it is that he is going.

He walks into his room, which is a lot bigger than mine, and a lot more rich looking. it was almost entirely white, with a fancy white baseboards and crown moldings. the bed was made out of dark maple wood and had a very soft mattress. The sheets and blankets were white with matching white pillows and two blue pillows just at the front of the rest. At the edge of the bed was an extra blanket, which was just for looks and it was dark blue.

He sits on the edge of his bed and looks at me, probably wondering what I was going to do next. I look around again, amazed by how beautiful his house really is.

"You always amaze me, Ciel" I giggle and look at him as he blushes.

I jump on the bed beside him and kiss his cheek before whispering in his ear, "I'll make you love me, Phantomhive"

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