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I look at the clock and realize that we only have twenty minutes to get to school. That's all good, except we walk to school and that takes about thirty minutes.

"Alois, we should go, if we get to school late, your foster parents won't be too happy" I say to him.

"Ugh, fine" he grabs his backpack, pouting, "you're no fun Phantomhive"

He flashes a smirk in my direction, causing me to blush even more than I already was.

We head out the door and make our way to school. I walk quickly, to try and make it on time, but Alois pulls me back.

"Calm down, Phantomhive, you don't always have to be so perfect" he giggles, "One tardy won't kill us, plus they'll excuse you, since what happened last year"

I turn away as memories flash before my eyes, he is referring to the night my parents died, my 16th birthday. The memories of me finding my parents, burning up in flames after I killed their murderer. I had no idea what a treasured life I had been living, until it was taken from me.

The nights that had followed that night had not been easy. I spent most my time at a police station, but other than that, I was in a motel room for the days that my house was getting fixed up. The motel was a run down mess, but all I could afford at that time.

It was creepy at night and I usually avoided staying out til dark, but one of the days that I was being interrogated, the session didn't get over until about 11 at night. I didn't get to the Motel until around midnight. I wish now that I had just stayed with as his parents had said it was alright. I got dragged into a room and tied to the bed. The things they did to me in there were nasty. They hit me, cut me, raped me.

It took me a while to realize that I was curled up in a ball, panicking, with Alois by my side. He was panicked and worried, I could see guilt on his face as he realized it was his fault that I had an episode. Post traumatic stress disorder, the reason why my life is still such a mess.

"Ciel!?" he panickily calls my name, "Ciel, I'm so sorry"

I look up at him, as my episode started to fade, "A..Alois?"

He hugs me tightly, like he hasn't seen me in months, "Ciel..." he whispers, "I'm sorry..."

He looks close to tears as he kisses my forehead, "I never meant to cause this"

"Alois..." I touch his cheek softly, drying a tear that had fallen down his cheek, "It's not your fault"

If anyone was to pass us at this moment, they would think that we were about to kiss, and in all honesty, I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to feel like everything was okay, and tell him that everything was okay.

I felt like I was about to have another panic attack, not like the episode I went through, but very close to it, this one would be in the world I live in, not in my memories.

"B-but" he tried to argue, but I silenced his words with a finger.

"But nothing, it is not your fault" I lean in and kiss him softly, not really thinking about the consequences of doing this.

He kisses me back softly, before pulling away, "what are we doing, this isn't school" he giggles and stands up, helping me up.

"Well, we are definitely late now" I smile softly as I dust myself off.

He drags me to school as I daydream about the small kiss that we exchanged, he probably thinks that is was just a friend thing. I know that my feelings for him are really strong, but I'm just not sure how he feels. He probably just kissed back to tease me, he probably thought I was just trying to brighten up the mood.

I shiver as we get closer to the school. I never really like going to school, and I hardly need it, I have straight A's in all classes and hardly any information that I am taught is new, and when it is, it's typically only in Science and History.

He notices my hesitation, "Ciel? Are you alright?" he asks me calmly.

"Yeah, let's go get our late pass" I walk inside and into the office.

The lady behind the desk seemed to glare at us as we made our way to the desk, but her face softened as she recognized who we were. I just roll my eyes and stop at the desk, "We are late" I state softly.

"What is your reason?" she ask as she takes out two late passes.

"I had a panic attack on the way to school" I sigh, annoyed, but using it as an excuse to get a legal tardy.

She nods, then looks at Alois, "and you?"

"I...helped him through his panic attack," Alois said, clearly still guilty for causing it.

She nods and hands them the slips, "get to class, homeroom ends in 10 minutes"

We both nod and take our slips before heading to homeroom. Homeroom has become my least favorite class. Mostly because of the fact that it is mixed with older grades, which mean upperclassmen can pick on the lowerclassmen a lot easier.

Cyrus Michaelis, he and his friend, Leon Faustus, were the schools bullies, and while they seemed like humans, and had aged up until now with us, I'm beginning to suspect that they are more than they seem.

I remember Sebastian Michaelis very well, and I remember how he betrayed me. I shouldn't have died that day, he should have saved me, but it isn't the time to think about that.

The similarities between Sebastian and Cyrus are shocking, they look almost exactly alike, besides the fact that Cyrus is obviously younger and has more of a brown colored eyes, with a small hint of red in them.

There is no doubt about is, Cyrus was hot, and he had all the girls he could ever want, but I think he has a thing for Leon. Claude's son, Leon, looked like a hotter version of his father, with golden brown eyes. Both had black hair, all the girls, and were complete and utter assholes.

They have targeted Alois and I for as long as I can remember. I sigh as I see them walking up to us and feel torn as I remember the feeling of betrayal that his father caused rushed over me.

"What do you want, Michaelis?" I growl.

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