Roadside Assistance: The Finale: A Nathan Chronicle 🍫

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    "Dalton,"I surrendered with my hands up and my body frozen by his anger. "I can explain this."
    ‎"Don't give me that shit, Nathan! You lied to me! You know I don't do that lying shit!" Dalton paced back from my car, balled his fist again, and made his way back over to Walt,whom was now standing behind my car. Dalton was about to punch him again, but my brother, Quincy, intervened.
    ‎"Whoa, bro. I think that last punch got your message across," Quincy said while holding Dalton back. I finally got out the car and tried to reach for Dalton, but he pushed my hand away. I was hurt, but totally brought this all on myself.
    ‎"Quincy, thank you," I said with pity and shame.
    ‎"Don't thank me yet, you damn fool. I should let him whoop both of y'all asses. What the hell is wrong with you Nathan?"
     "I don't fucking know," I yelled while looking over at Dalton's furious face and Quincy as he continued to hold him back. I glanced behind me to see Walt cleaning the blood from his nose and looked like he was going to attack at any moment.
     ‎"Who the fuck is this mother fucker you with?" Dalton bursted out from Quincy and pointed at Walt, whom just stared back at Dalton , speechless at this point."What? You can't talk now huh? I guess still trying to get the taste of my man out your mouth," Dalton said while pacing towards Walt again. This time I intervened and held him back from Walt.
     ‎"Dalton, please let's go talk," I tried to comfort him while holding him off, but he pushed me off him. Quincy watched and just shook his head at me.
     ‎"You got lucky with the first punch, bitch, but you bets believe I won't let it happen again, ‎" Walt responded while pointing at Dalton. "And to answer your fucking question, you damn right I was getting the taste of your man's sweet ass out my mouth, before I could give you a piece of my mind. I don't regret one fucking moment either!"
     ‎Dalton raced towards Walt as I backed away from them both. Quincy tried to grab Dalton by his shirt, but it was too late. Dalton and Walt were in a full fledged fist fight. They both launched at each other and fell into the muddy ground. Punch after punch, they both kept evening out their anger.  It was like I was watching my life go to shit right now. The man I loved and a man I lusted for was fighting and all I could do was watch. How could I do something so damn stupid and not think of the consequences?
     I ran towards Dalton and managed to pull him away from Walt. Walt was about to come running towards us for another hit at Dalton, but Quincy caught him from the back and held him back.
     ‎"Let me fucking go," Walt yelled at my brother.
     ‎ "Dude, you better be glad I am high as fuck right now. Otherwise I'd be handing your ass to you. Think it's best you get the fuck out of here before I muster my sanity back," Quincy pushed Walt away.
     ‎ "Yes, Walt. Just leave," I continued to hold Dalton back. The sight of Walt and Dalton's bloody noses and their muddy clothes was unreal.
     ‎"Fuck all of y'all and this bullshit," Walt reached in his jogging pants for his keys. "Nathan, when you come to your senses, you know how to reach me," he threw a middle finger at Dalton, got in his car, crunk it up and drove off.
     ‎I watched as he drove off and wondered to myself would I ever contact him again? Look where it had gotten me so far. I am left on this same damn roadside where I have managed to not only have to deal with a flat tire, but also my broken relationship.
     ‎"Let's get out of here," Quincy exclaimed. "I need another joint for dealing with all this shit."
     ‎"I am calling an Uber home," Dalton stated while he walked away from my sight. "I don't want to be anywhere near this fucker."
     ‎"Dalton, you can't be serious. Let's just go home so you can get cleaned up and we can talk about this," I begged of him.
     ‎"Yo, as much I know you have every right to be angry with my brother, he's right. Man, just go home get cleaned up and talk this shit out," Quincy chimed in and placed his hand on Dalton's shoulder.
     ‎"Fine, I don't really give a fuck at this point," Dalton walked off towards the truck and got in the back seat. I stared at him as he sat in  back leaned over towards the window.
     ‎"You think he gone talk to me when we get home," I asked Quincy while he straightened his jacket out.
     ‎"Bro, you know I love you right? But this shit that went down tonight was crazy. I would've imagined you catching me out on the side of the road cheating on some girl, but I would've never imagined it would be you. You can't expect this shit to just die down tonight. You gone need to give Dalton some time to think this all through and I think it would be best for you to kick it over my place for as long at it takes," Quincy advised me while I kept looking off in the distance towards Dalton. As trifling as my brother can be sometimes, I was so thankful for his ass being here tonight. Things could have gone a whole lot worst if he were not here.
     ‎"I guess so, I don't want to leave him though. I just know I can get through to him after he gets a shower and is in a better state tonight," I boasted my damn self. "Just take us home and I will call you back to get me if I need you to."
     ‎"Sounds like a plan. Now, let's get the hell away from this roadside. I think I heard some shit moving in them bushes," Quincy laughed and punched me in the shoulder. I smiled back at him and we both walked to get in his truck to finally leave.
     ‎After 20 minutes of Quincy's crazy ass driving and loud ass trap music, he finally managed to get us home safely to our apartment.
     ‎"Thanks, Quincy. I owe you," Dalton rushed out the back seat, fast walked into our apartment, and slammed the door. I would not be surprised if he had locked my ass out.
     ‎"Look, I really appreciate you for helping us get home and just everything. I don't know what the hell would've happened if you weren't there tonight. Dalton and Walt probably would have ended up killing each other," I said while I got out his truck.
     ‎"Man, you my brother. I will always be there for you, but not when I'm high as fuck," Quincy laughed.
     ‎"The way I am feeling I need a good puff and pass session. But, look out for my call later if I need you, ok?"
     ‎"Aight, now go and handle your business," Quincy waved me away as he pulled off and honked for good luck. I was for sure going to need all the luck in the damn world to deal with trying to piece together what was left of my relationship.
     ‎I went to the door, took a deep breath, and went inside. I was glad to find that he had not locked me out after all. I looked around our apartment at all our photos we had taken from almost every season in a year and it hit me really hard that this could be the last time I see these photos again. I sat down on our loveseat and did not bother to turn the t.v. on to help drown my thoughts out. Instead, I lied back and listened to Dalton take a shower.
     ‎ A part of me yearned to go sneak in, get behind him, and just hold him close to me, and whisper to him how sorry again I was. Then, I would start to kiss his neck, lick my way down to his ass, and then slide inside him to show him how much I cared for him. But, I don't think shower sex would be enough to repair the damage I created. So I will keep it a fantasy for now.
        It wasn't long before while I continued to fantasize about Dalton and I that my tiredness finally kicked in. I shut my eyes for a few seconds, but fought away the sleep at best I could. Dalton's shower was over and I heard him playing his favorite R&B playlist to keep him calm I'm sure. I sneaked a peak down the hallway as he walked out the bathroom, steam following from the shower he had taken ,  looked down the hall at me in my fake slumber for a few minutes, and then he went to our bedroom.
        ‎ I was about to get up to go to our bedroom too, but my so called fake slumber got the best of me. I knew I needed to get up and go talk with him, but I could not fight the sleep away anymore. So I finally succumbed and drifted off to sleep, unsure of what the morning would bring my way.
     ‎The next morning broke through the blinds of the living room and I immediately woke up and panicked. I checked my phone and it was 8:39 A.M. and I saw a text from Walt. I didn't even bother opening my phone to read what it said. Instead, I argued with myself. Why didn't I just go in the shower with Dalton? Maybe, I would have stayed my sleepy as up long enough to talk to him.
     ‎ I rubbed my face and the crust from eyes, then finally arose from the loveseat. Before I walked to the bedroom, I went to the bathroom first and washed my face. I dried my face and then took one glimpse at my reflection in the mirror. Did last night really happen? I looked away from my reflection and saw Dalton's muddy clothes on the floor. This of course served as a reminder that last night was a harsh reality and it was time for me to try and reconcile with Dalton.
     ‎I walked towards the bedroom, going over and over in my head how I was going to start the conversation with Dalton, but when I came up to the bedroom I was shocked to find our king sized bed made up, empty, and a letter at the end of the bed. I picked up the letter and read it in silence...
     ‎I am writing this letter to let you know that instead of kicking your ass out the apartment like I originally wanted to do last night, I am going to stay with my cousin for a little while. I know you wanted to talk last night, but I am glad you fell asleep. You needed the rest so you would have the strength to read the words I am leaving in this letter.
     ‎Five whole years... Gone? Or Are they? I'm not sure, but as much as I don't regret our relationship, I don't regret nearly beating the shit out of that asshole, Walt last night. I kept trying to figure out in my mind what on Earth would you do some shit like this to me, but then I thought about it. Maybe, it's me. Maybe, I wasn't there enough for you or is it that I won't marry you?
     ‎ I think I finally realized the answer last night to this question. My not fully being out to my family has caused a major shift in our relationship, but that still doesn't give you the right to go off and fuck other dudes and not even think twice about what we had.
     ‎ But don't worry I am not kicking you out. I just need to get away and give us some space. Is this the end for us? Only time will tell, but I know one thing I can't bear the sight of you right now. Nonetheless, this morning before I left I watched you as you were passed out on the loveseat.
     ‎ I couldn't resist before I walked out the door, but I had to kiss you. So I kissed you goodbye on your lips and your forehead. Think of it more like a "I will see you soon kiss", but think deep on it possibly being a "Good riddance kiss".
     ‎If the reality of this letter hasn't sat in yet, then may these final words I say help you know the process we must go through if there is ever a chance for us again... Nathan, just remember that forgiveness is earned from me, not burned...

     I dropped the letter to the floor and sat on the bed. Dalton had left me and I had not one damn opportunity to talk with him. Instead, he surprised me one more time. He left this letter to show my ass that if I wanted him back, it was going to take more than ever asked of me.

Chocolate Bytes Chronicles: Volume TwoWhere stories live. Discover now