"Side-Dish" Part 1 : Nathan's Chronicle 🍫😏

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It was a usual manic Monday at work for me. I was hours behind on my reports and   Two months had passed by since I had heard anything from Dalton. He'd also managed  to move all his things out of the apartment. During  this time frame and even then the only communication he had done with me was a note advising me he'd moved out and he would talk with me soon; Only to discuss the terms when the lease was up, but he refused  with his stubborn ass to talk about  working things out.
     ‎Now,  here I sat at my desk, resisting with all my might not to call him, Snapchat him, or Facetime him. Hell, I even resisted scrying over Jack'd and Grindr just to see if he had begun looking for someone else and kicked my ass to the curb.
     ‎It concerned me that he wasn't making any attempts to reach out to me. I could barely focus at work doing my paperwork without thinking about him. My friend and co-worker ,Matthew, was my only refuge at work and off of work that could deal with my ass. My brother, Quincy, still allowed me to drown his time with my woes over Dalton. He of course made sure  it was during our weed sessions, though. I was beginning to think I was becoming desperate as fuck, but I knew one thing for damn sure... I wasn't too desperate to hit up, Walt, fine ass... Or was I?
     ‎"Fool," Matthew snapped me out of my daydream. "Where we going to eat for lunch? I am starving! These damn emails won't stop coming either and you over here probably in your funk over, Dalton's ass," Matthew smiled while shuffling my paperwork around on my desk.
     ‎Matthew and I have been good friends for the 8 years we've managed to stick through this bullshit of  a corporate job as financial advisors; which has it's pros and cons at times. Pro being we get to critically think of a financial path for our clients that will get them back on track. Con being that how the hell do we manage to get our clients on track, but manage to keep our finances in utter chaos and deliquncy hell.
     ‎Another great thing that binds us together as good friends is our many misadventures of our perils with men, sex, and life. I suppose you can say he is the more intact with his life and emotions out of the both of us, because he is single and a free-spirit and refuses to be bound down by the chains of monogamy. He was so angry that I didn't get the chance to go all the way with, Walt. So yes, probably the last person I need advice from on my current predicament with Dalton. He has been the only reason why I have been able to hold myself together at work.
     ‎I am forever indebted to him and his not so frank, but realist advice on getting over my issues with Dalton. So, lunch definitely sounded like a great idea.
     ‎"Where we going," I pondered. "Please don't say, Panera Bread," I laughed. "I do not plan on running into Walt today."
     ‎"Hell, it would probably do you some good to run up on him and that dick of his. I swear if I were in that back seat that night when Dalton caught you guys, I would've kept going," he shrugged.
     ‎"You so damn nasty, friend! I bet you would've too, but please don't bring up that night. It's worse enough I have to live through that memory every day in my mind."
     ‎"No, it's not that you have to, it's because you choose to re-live it. I mean do you think he is off daydreaming at his job thinking about you?"
     ‎"Ummm, probably not," I secretly hoped he was though.
     ‎"Exactly," he came around my desk and pulled my chair from under it. "Now, let's go! I'm driving today and I vote we take an executive lunch and come back 20 minutes late," he laughed while walking towards the elevator.
     ‎"Wait, we never decided where we were going to eat at," I closed my laptop and gazed back at him.
     "How about we go try, Roadside Cafe?" Matthew mentioned while holding his mouth from laughing.
     ‎"You real funny, hoe,"  I glared at him while I  pressed the down button for the elevator.

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