Chapter 2 (Former: 3 and 4)

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Hailey went inside her dormitory with wobbly legs. She felt massive waves of exhaustion attacking her. Her legs gave up as soon as she locked the door.

"I don't want this!" Hailey slammed her fist onto the floor. She felt frustrated about useless self and thought back to plight she was in.

Before she could get up and fix herself, she heard a light knock on the door. Hailey heard a familiar voice on the other side.

"Hailey, you there? I couldn't contact your phone so I came here to tell you some urgent news"

"Leader..." Hailey thought and kept her silence.  She didn't want to let the other party know of her presence.

"Hailey, i know you're in there. A yellow stage essencian like me can feel your presence even if you're blocked by something such as this door. What's wrong? Why won't you answer?" Hailey could sensethe person's worry.

"Nothing. Hahaha! Sorry! I just felt like it. That's all" Hailey responded while masking her sadness with a cheerful tone

"Oh okay. Can you open the door please?" The woman asked politely

Hailey smiled wryly. It seems she can't let her bitter feelings out just yet. Hailey didn't want to also look weak in front of others in terms of attitude. She knew she couldn't afford be weak in this aspect as such having a strong personality is one key to progress.

Hailey sighed and answered positively to the woman's request. Hailey opened the door and let the lady in. Hailey plastered a fake bubbly smile when their eyes met.

"Silly" The woman gave Hailey  small laugh "You know, instead of calling me leader, can't you just call me Rena?" Rena let out a soft smile as she invited herself on Hailey's couch.

"Leader will always be leader" Hailey chuckled and went inside her kitchen to prepare a drink for Rena. "How come you didn't return at the shop?"

"The manager of the bookstore we delivered some stocks with had asked for a meeting with our club's branch leaders, such as me, to attend. Since, I was already there at such a timing, I couldn't afford to leave since further absences will force me to relinquish my position.You do know how I love this job."

Hailey nodded and placed a cup of tea on the table. They chatted for a while before they got to the main reason of Rena's visit.

"Hailey, I need to go back to my hometown by next week" Rena paused for a moment before she continued "Mom's got cancer. She needs me" Rena said with a poignant expression. Hailey's eyes went wide and let out a gasp. She knew Rena's mother and couldn't help but remember on how cheerful and energetic Rena's mom was when she saw her on video call last month. "To get to my hometown in a week requires me to start packing and get going tomorrow. I'm afraid this is goodbye" Hailey felt as if her world suddenly went blank and desolate. Rena was her only friend. The only real and true friend that she ever had at that.

Hailey stared at Rena blankly. A short moment later, tears started welling up in her eyes. Rena slowly reached her arms onto Hailey and comforted her. Rena didn't want to get separated away too.

Rena used to have a negative point of view of her life. She was always being degraded for her poor scores in both departments. But because of Hailey's unending support and determined personality, Rena was inspired and her potential was awakened. She then progessed far from her peers and stood above average.

Rena gave Hailey a warm look. She gently caressed Hailey's hair and whispered some comforting words. She bid farewell when curfew came.

"I hope this can protect you at times in which I cannot" Hailey can still remember the parting words that came out from Rena mouth.

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