Chapter 7 (Former: 20, 21, and 22)

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Inside a cave at the top of a desolate hill, a light haze was swirling around a girl wearing black. Hailey broke a sweat while trying to breakthrough to the next stage.

"Boom!" The female broke and before she could open her eyes and celebrate; Suddenly, Hailey couldn't feel the presense of the real world anymore. Her conciousness was sucked back into her starry mental world.

She felt hazy and stared at the gigantic key. Hailey wondered how her conciousness wasn't inside the key since she remembered merging with the manifestation inside it.

Hailey, in conciousness form, scanned the starry world around her an was taken aback when she saw a humongous door just a distance away behind the key. Hailey was so small, you'll mistake her to be a speck of dust compared to the door.

The door was of a whitish-golden color with the same markings as the key.

"That wasn't here before" Hailey thought and placed her gaze at the keyhole. A thought hit her and switched her sight back to the key. "If the key is placed on that keyhole, will it open?"


"WAHHH!!!" Hailey screamed in fright when a voice answered her. She revolved her head around the area until she found a pair of eyes staring back at her.

"Y-you can talk?!" Hailey asked the manifestation inside the key.

"From the moment I was born, yes" The manifestation replied

"Then how come when I first saw you, you didn't let out a sound nor a glance?"

"I was in a deep slumber and was only woken up when you branded your mark onto me"

"I branded you a mark? How? Where?" Hailey asked and squinted her eyes to look at her 'brand' to see what part in the body was it.

"I won't answer that. I am the spirit of the key and the door you are currently seeing is a legacy. But, you are currently still too weak to open it. You need to achieve a higher realm of strength and power to wield my key and open it. Everytime you grow stronger, you grow larger and until you are able to reach the specific height, then you could enter." The spirit said with a profound look.

Hailey scanned the spirit's appearance and was shocked to find that the spirit's body was taking the appearance of a celestial white woman.

Last time that Hailey met it, the spirit had the same appearance as hers, but smaller like the size of a hand. Hailey also wondered how she managed to find the spirit on the gigantic key when she herself, compared to the key, was only about the size of a pebble. It was easier to find a needle in haystack than this.

Hailey continued scrutinizing the woman's appearance until she noticed the woman going out of the key and grew larger until her size was of the same as Hailey's.

The spirit spoke with an emotionless tone.

"I shall send you to the first kingdom"

She'll send me to where now?

Before Hailey could react, she noticed the place distorting and after a bright light, the mental world changed into a beautiful medieval-style kingdom.

Hailey scanned the area around her and the people were wearing garments that an essencian would only wear. She was situated in a bustling area where you could hear the merchants advertising their products and the hubbub of conversations.

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Shauna. The people you are currently seeing are not real and they are the dead manifestations of this past world. This empire is where my creator left his inhertance for you, my new master, to train and grow stronger before accepting the final legacy" The spirit said with a gleam of ardor and respect present in her eyes when she introduced Hailey to the place.

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