Chapter 4 (Former: 9,10, 11 and 12)

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Hailey drowsily opened her eyes. She found out the she was still inside the room. There was a pillow on the floor and a little blanket that covered herself for warmth. She scanned the area and found out she was alone. Her clothes were filled with the blood she spat when absorbing the key.

The door opened and revealed the shopkeeper holding a tray with a bowl of soup. He placed it near Hailey's spot.

"You were unconcious for almost a day. Have some medicinal soup made of [Lightpore] herb" The owner insisted.

"What happened?" Hailey asked while picking up the spoon after thanking the old man.

The old man described the happenings to her. He left out the part where the mysterious voice possessed him since not only he wasn't allowed to tell, he also couldn't remember a single thing. All he knew was that when he woke up, he felt rejuvenated. However his clothes were ragged and filled with his blood. He saw a 'thank you' note clumped between his fingers. He didn't know whether he should laugh or cry since the ink that was used in writing the words was his own blood.

He made up a story to cover up the happenings when he was possessed. He said that he closed the shop and fell asleep while waiting for Hailey to succeed. During the times when both characters were literally not themselves, there wasn't a single person in the vicinity of the shop. So there wasn't any theiving nor complaining about the lack of service inside the shop.

He also told her that he couldn't do anything to help her since doing that will make him breathe his last. However Hailey felt irritated when she heard that.

"Why did you give me something that made me hover on the brink of death in the first place?!" Hailey said in an exasperated voice. "Do you want me dead, sir?!"

"No!" The shopkeeper retorted while furiously shaking his head in disapproval.

"Then why?!"

The owner was silent for a moment before speaking

"Years ago, when I was still roaming around the continent, I found a book inside a dungeon me and my group raided"

Hailey listened with rapt attention as the old man recounted his stories.

"When we took it, the dungeon suddenly showed signs of immediate collapse. We tried to put it back to the spot where we took it but it was futile

"My companions were rapidly dimnishing as most of them got buried under the rubble. It wasn' t long until I was the only survivor left

"When I lost all hope and wallowed in despair, a little boy appeared before me. He was wearing a clean set of white robes. His face was so pure and handsome as if he was the very embodiment of perfection. The falling rubbles avoided hitting him and even the dusts felt like they were filthy. It didn't want to blemish him even his shoes.

"He stared at my poor condition and spouted some words"


"Do you need my help?" He said with a blank stare.

I gave a wry smile at him in response. Even though his appearance was extraordinary, what can a kid do?

"You don't believe me" The boy said with a slightly dejected tone. His expression was still placid as before as he slowly turned away with the intentions of leaving

I felt like I just cutted my last hope of survival when I saw his departing figure.

I was alarmed and called him back.  "Wait!"

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