Dear, person.
I'm sorry I have not been active lately, my tablet broke and mom took me out to get a new phone so here I am today😁
Anyways....this past week is so hectic, first we have a test, than an assembly and then finnaly spring break!!!!
I honestly have no idea where to start or how to start it but here we goooo.
So A friend of mine is upset because of another person's relationship w/her boyfriend.But I'm friends with all of them, so I'm just kinda in the middle of it all just like "HELP ME" yah it's not nice.
But than there is my ass over here in the corner thinking how much I would do to get the girl. But I'm not that desperate to take her from her not that mean either....
Anyways yah....
~madi<3-26-18> *10:33*
A Biromantic diary
Short Story^||title||^ this is my diary. which is not such of a secret, but it will explain my life, of will go through all my problems and my biggest secrets....and I promise that all of it is true...