Dear person.
Life has been going good, beside the point that Vern and I are still a little awkward.
Okay anyway today at lunch Maddy put two chips in her mouth making duck lips.
She looked at me and I leaned in and but the chip. To the point we almost kissed, which we have before so it no difference.
But the chip broke and I pulled away. She was a blushing mess and hid her face in her sweater. IT WAS SO CUTE. How the hell did I get a girl like her?.
Like for real.
We kissed at least maybe...three or four times idk.
But all our friends shipped it sooo much.
It was funny.
I just had to tell u guys how cheesy I am.
A Biromantic diary
Короткий рассказ^||title||^ this is my diary. which is not such of a secret, but it will explain my life, of will go through all my problems and my biggest secrets....and I promise that all of it is true...