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4/17/19: I confessed to a really nice guy named Baily that I like him...and he likes me too. Idk I'm still confused about my feelings in a way. But we still have girlfriends ourselves.

4/20/19: My feelings really have started to grow on him, it's hard cause he's still my best friend but it's okay. We talk all the time, everyday. I'm pretty sure we talk more than his own girlfriend and him.

4/21/19: I broke up with my girlfriend and told her it was because of my dad which is odviously not true. Now I just sit and rant to Baily about everything. 😂

4/22/19: After a long weekend, it was awkward seeing him again at school, it was fun though to be honest. He's such a dumbass but he's really funny and I'm always happy around him, like Truly happy. Ik it weird but I can't stop thinking about him. I'm never focused anymore.

4/23/19: More of my friends are finding out, I always sit in the back of the class with him everyday during 7th hour if we have a chance. Even though we never get our work done, we're always to busy laughing. It's only been a few days but I swear I like him way more. He also hit is Elbow on the table and started crying almost it was kinda funny.

4/24/19: I thought today was gonna be a normal day but No Yesterday I told my therapist all about Baily she was happy for me finding someone to make me happy. But I got to 1st hour and Baily jumped on the table just to get the chairs off, smh he's so stupid. Then I ran into him in the hallway before lunch and my friend swears he turned around again to look at me, and she says the way he looked at you was so cute it was like he loVeS you, which god ik it's not true. But 7th hour we were partners for a project. And I couldn't stop staring at him, I've never paid attention to him before like that. His eyes are so beautiful. There like a cyan blue with green in the middle. I love them.

4/25/19: We had an assembly today and Baily was two tables away, his girlfriend was one away and Everytime I faced his way we mad eye contact and it was akward I think his girlfriend saw😂.

4/26/19: So today I had a panic attack, because some chick pinned me, and started messing with my hair and poking me, and this bitch has posion oak. So Baily hears this and he's ready, like he says "whO is ShE" like he fr ain't playing.

4/27/19: So Friday some guy decided to be And I and call me a cunt. This guy bullied me and the beginning of the year we figured things out and we became friends again. But later on he started calling Cunt, whore, bitch. I always told him to like not say that but I knew he was kidding around but Friday she called me a dumb cunt in front of my cousin and best friend. My cousin who was also his best friend got mad at him and he also insulted my best friend. But, this caused me to have a flashback so I was in the middle of class so I didn't want to cry so I just started hyperventilating to prevent that in that cause being almost faint and when Bailey heard of all this he was really ready to knock the s*** out of this guy.

(Baily started texting me while writing this wtf)

Okay that was my week. Have FuN.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2019 ⏰

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