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Omniscient // 7/20/15 // Italy

"So, you've stayed in a non productive marriage for the children? Your teenage honestly think that they're not aware of the facade you two are giving them?"

"Yes." The two women said in unison. The couple sat on the plush couch, sitting directly center in the therapist's office.

"When did you decide that it was time to seek help from me?" The melanated therapist sat with her right leg over her left, giving the very well known, but unknown couple her undivided attention. To say the professional was surprised would have been an understatement. Besides, it's not as if anyone on earth besides the 3 bodies that sat in between the four walls would ever find out about this "meeting" ever happening.

"When Robyn felt the need to seek orgasms from women that weren't me...." The Houston native shot, the calmness of her tone crept under the skin of her wife that sat two feet away from her.

"Which was the biggest mistakes of my life I know. But, that's not what really drove us apart. Giselle has childhood traumas she has yet to heal from, which bothers me. As a wife-"

"No, no, face your wife when you're speaking to her." The therapist ordered the Barbadian native, getting the result she wished for.

"As your wife Giselle," Robyn's tattooed hand grabbed the caramel beauty's chin, forcing their earthly colored orbs to lock, "I should be there to heal your wounds. You've shut me out emotionally since you lost-"

"Don't you dare say that, you weren't there and you and I know that." Beyonce snatched her face away, quickly wiping the salty tears that raced down her now reddish tented cheeks.

"The baby. I said it. That's what you love to do, throw shit under the rug. I've apologized multiple times, Bey. I wasn't there physically, but I know I more than suffocated you with my emotional support. We have 3 beautiful children together, that YOU carried, baby. That's more than enough for me." Robyn's thumb did away with the fresh set of tears before they could make their way down her wife's face.

"What Robyn doesn't understand is, that was my baby, our baby. Just as the others are, but the spiritual pull and need I felt from that unborn child made me feel like I needed to see it on earth. I was beyond devastated when I lost it." Beyoncé intertwined her slender fingers with the fingers of the woman she'd been in love with since she was 19.

Robyn gave her a reassuring squeeze, now giving her attention to the therapist in front of them with multiple notes on her clipboard.

"Communication, abandonment issues, lack of physical and emotional reassurance." The young woman muttered to herself, and spoke up louder so the power couple could hear.

"Robyn, you're one of the best selling painters globally, and Beyoncé you've sold millions of records worldwide."

"Not to be rude, Doc, but what does our occupations have to do-"

"That's your problem Mrs. Fenty, you like to speak before you've heard all that you need to hear, no disrespect." The therapist quickly said, shutting Robyn up in the process.

"As I was about to say, I need you both to tap into what you love doing, dedicate a few pieces of your work to each other. Trust me, it'll release tension. No sex, only love making. You're married to live and die together, make the most of it while you're still young. I honestly don't want to have too many visits with you guys, not to be rude at all. When you marry, you keep your problems in between you and your significant other. It's not your mama's problems, it's not your daddy's problems. You've closed off emotionally Bey, let her back in. Rob, you've stepped out, stop using sex as an outlet and be more vocal with your wife. See you guys in a month."

The couple sat their speechless ass the therapist told them off. Was it what they wanted to hear? No. Was it what they needed to hear? Yes.

"Thank you, Doc. We promise you there'll be progress next time we come back." Beyoncé stood up and hugged the therapist whom stood as tall as her.

"Same here, Doc. See ya later, love." Robyn hugged her also, making her way behind Beyoncé.


I'm new to this fan fiction shit, so bear with me you guys.....keep it or trash it? 🙁

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