The Last Straw

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Robyn // 1/12/15 // Calabasas, California

I felt wet kisses being placed on my face, my eyes plastered open and met with hers.

"What time is it?"

I cleared my throat of any sleep, sitting up to look for my clothes.

"Midnight. We can't keep this up, Robyn."

Onika threw on one of my T-shirts I left over, she walked over to my side of the bed and softly handed me my clothes.

"We ain't doing shit, what are you talking 'bout?"

I stood up, cracking my stiff limbs. My legs were soon covered in jeans, my upper body was soon covered with a shirt.

"I'm talking about you coming here high off of your ass. Not the proper kind of high, Robyn. I can't be your escape, especially not like this."

She handed me the fleece jacket, walking passed me. I grabbed her arm, pulling her closer to me.

"So, you're cutting me off?"

"I'm not cutting you off, but I won't deal with you until you settle things. I refuse to stop my growth because you're lost. Waiting for you isn't something I have time to do anymore, Robyn."

I cupped her face, using my thumb to trace her plump lips. I said nothing as I bent down to place a kiss on her lips.

"You love me, yeah?"

I stared into her eyes, knowing her answer to my rhetorical question.

"Yes, unconditionally."

"That's all that matters."

She gripped at my hips, trying to push me away. Instinctively, my hand slid down her face until it came to a stop at her neck.

"Don't fuck with me, Onika. If you have someone else, just tell me. All of this beating around the bush isn't necessary."

She opened her mouth to speak, but my phone buzzed.

I released her from my grip, retrieving the phone out of my pocket.


"wHaT? Nigga, were you dead?"

"No, I-Igot caught up at the studio, I just crashed here instead."

Onika rolled her eyes and walked away, I held the phone between my head and my shoulder as I searched for my car keys.

"Stupid ass, get to the hospital. This shit isn't a game. Your wife lost a fucking child and you're somewhere cuddled up with some bitch! You're cut throat, Rob."

Mel hung up, everything else after that was a blur.

From the speeding to the hospital, to the checking in.

Julius was already waiting for me downstairs, I could even see the disappointment on his face, I felt it, too.

The elevator ride was awkward and tense, no words were spoken until the bell signified us that we'd arrived on the third floor.

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