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Omniscient // 8/28/15 // Telluride, Colorado

Objects were thrown, but when the blonde began to destroy unfinished works of art in the expansive home studio, Robyn couldn't resist temptation.

"Do it, I fucking want you to."

Her hand tightened around Beyoncé's neck, limiting the amount of air she took in.

The singer refused to back down, her lip dripped the copper liquid, her eye wore small cat like scratches underneath.

Robyn's cheekbones were bruised, dried up blood stained her cheeks.

Beyoncé held the paintbrush in her hand, Robyn continued to keep her hostage.

Beyoncé smirked, then the paint brush snapped in half.

The paint brush that one of the greatest artist of all time autographed. She paid half a million for the rare brush, which was used by Basquiat himself.

Robyn's hand rose, pulling back back to land fire on her wife's face. Beyoncé's head turned, she used her elbow to strike Robyn in her nose, sending the painter flying to the ground in pain.

"You called me here to fight? We missed therapy for this?"

"I called you here to celebrate our anniversary that's coming up."

Robyn held her leaking nose, rising to her feet. Beyoncé's chest heaved up and down, the broken paintbrush bounced off of the floor as she released the wood out of her hands.

They stared at each other for minutes.

Hard breathing became soft whimpers, Beyoncé ran into Robyn's arms and she caught her easily.

Beyoncé's teeth sunk into her wife's lip, breaking the sensitive skin purposely.

Robyn hissed as she felt her wife's nails sink into her back.

She picked her up, walking them over to the clear section on the floor and lowering their tired bodies on the empty spot in the room.

The whites of her eyes turned light red long ago, the painter avoided all eye contact. Her hands forcefully removed every piece of fabric from Beyoncé's body until she was left in the nude—straddling her.

Robyn put her fingers into Beyoncé's mouth, Beyoncé used her tongue to soak the digits.

Robyn watched on as her wife's tongue wrapped and slithered around her long fingers.

"Fuck me hard, bruise me up!"

Beyoncé begged while watching Robyn drag wet fingers down her body. Without warning, she was occupied by Robyn's fingers.

She braved herself on the painter's lap. Years of sex, but this time brought actual pain.

"Ease up."

Robyn grabbed her hips and forced her down on the sleek digits. Beyoncé cried out as she felt herself open up around the familiar sources of penetration.

Robyn bit and licked at her breast, leaving sloppy, in the heat of the moment passion marks.

They went on for four hours.

The vacation home




Scrapes and scratches painted on their skin as insults left their mouth.

Their hands connected with each other's bodies in ways they'd never imagined. The laws of their love were broken long ago, there was no going back.

Beyoncé stood up after their rounds of meaningless fucking.

She dragged herself to the kitchen to receive a stack of papers.

Robyn continued to lay down in the trashed room. The ceiling's patterns kept her company for the mere moments before she received the news.

Beyoncé walked back into the room hiding the papers behind her back, taking her place beside her wife.

Their naked bodies entwined together.

The white papers were carefully placed on Robyn's naked breast.

"What's this?" She turned her head in her wife's direction, grabbing the papers off of her chest.

Robyn read the first page, becoming choked up the more she read.

Beyoncé's signature was neatly written, the red cursive letters were the boldest on the paper. Robyn sat up, reading through the legal document carefully.

"Happy early anniversary."

Beyoncé kissed her cheek, removing herself from Robyn's stuck body and the ruined room.


The end.

Yall are the REAL GOATS! Ugh, the support means everything! Hope y'all stick with me through every journey I take y'all one! ❤️

I had fun.....I'm OUT.

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