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Beyoncé // 3/12/04 // Houston, Texas

"I can feel you need me, feels so good to me, feels so good to me

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"I can feel you need me, feels so good to me, feels so good to me."

"Cut it." I took the headphones off, looking through the glass.

"That was beautiful, Bey. We keepin' that shit!" Roy's voice filled the box I was in, and I smiled. Kelly clapped in agreement, boosting my confidence.

"I don't like it how it sounds, let's run it again." I put the headset back on, waiting for the beat to start.

"Laying so closely, I feel your skin rubbing and touching me. Only sweat between us, feeling you kissing and pleasing me. I rub your back, I kiss your neck, I know that you love when we touch like that. I can feel you need me, feels so good to me, feels so good to me."

After that, I was about to began the background harmonies, but the stranger appeared. Her flannel pajama bottoms rode her waist lowly, showcasing her V line that I loved to suck on.

Fuck her. That wasn't the focus at this very moment.

I couldn't hear what was going on, but I did see Roy and Kelly leave out.

My pen and pad was placed down, my headphones were took off of my head, and my body collided with the cushion of the wall.

"Fuck me?"

It was 2 in the morning, I didn't have time to play with Robyn. She puzzled her fingers together with mine, bringing my arms above my head.

I felt something poke at my thigh and I knew exactly what it was.

"Why are you wearing a strap on at 2 in the morning?"
My attempt to push her off was failed, she overpowered me.....not just physically.

"Because...I'm 'bout to fuck you."

Before I could cuss her out, her lips smashed onto mine. She wasted no time bringing her hand down to my shorts, unbuttoning the bottoms with ease.

I was angry because everything she was doing to my body felt amazing, I didn't want to give her that advantage. She didn't deserve it, but I couldn't stop myself.

"Yesssss!" I felt her fingers rub my clit through my soaked thong.

Deciding to take heed in action, I pulled her pajama bottoms down, fisting the strap at the base so I could position the phallus correctly.

She sucked on my neck, slowly thrusting her hips upwardly, letting me take it in inch my inch.


The hilt. I was completely filled, my walls convulsed at the foreign feeling.

"You ready?" She slurred out, she couldn't control her words, but she was surely controlling my body.

She was drunk. That explained it all.

I nodded, wrapping my arms around her body to prepare myself her strokes.

She rocked her hips up slowly, taking it easy on me. My legs made their way in her waist, my hips began to rock back, meeting her thrust for thrust.

The silicon created good friction against my walls, my nails raked up her back; a silent plea for her to not stop.

"Yesss, right there, Rob!" I screamed out as she fastened the speed of her strokes, the tip was hitting my spot over and over and I wasn't sure if I could hold my orgasm in any longer.

"Cum for me."

Her voice. This pleasure. Her lips on my neck.

All factors contributing to me exploding. I heard myself gushing around the strap and my eyes began to water.

She held me, never stopping her strokes, riling me up again. It felt too good, entirely too good.

My walls were still going into spasms, she didn't care, she wanted to fuck me into oblivion.....and I was going to let her.

The stranger pulled out of me, catching my body.

"I'm not done."

I cried out as I felt her take place in me again.

My right leg was held in her arm, my left leg was keeping me sturdy.

She began to pound into me.

My mouth hung open, no words would come out. The only noise that was heard was her pelvis connecting with my ass, and my juices splashing over the silicon toy.

"I can't! I- fuckk! I love you! I love you so much!" My head rested on the studio wall, I felt the familiar sensation at the pit of my stomach, I was on the edge of crossing the finish line to cum.

"I love you, more." She gently nibbled on my earlobe. Her warm breath sent chills up my spine, I soon felt my body shuddering.

She pulled out once again, but this time she dropped to her knees.

The stranger was face to face with my center.

"Ohhh! Shit.....yessss!" I moaned out feeling her lick up every ounce of my mess. Her tongue spoke what her words couldn't, all I could say was yes.

My head dropped down, her green eyes met mine half way. I bit my lip at the sight of her eating on me as if it was her last meal.

My fingers gripped at her hair, holding her face in so I could ride her tongue.

Robyn slapped my ass, rubbing it after.

The soothing rub blinded the pain, sending me over my edge again.

I came 3 times, my body was worn out, I couldn't take anymore. If I was to speak, I'd be willing to give Robyn anything she wanted or asked for.

"I'm not done."

I moaned out at the double entendre. I knew she wasn't done with this marriage, or fucking me in this studio.


Just a filler chapter.....

Speechless is Beyoncé's BEST song....yes, I said it. Yes, I know the difference between "favorite" and "best".

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