When a Woman's Fed Up

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Omniscient // 1/23/15 // Calabasas, California

"I didn't mean to startle you, Ma." Ryah flinched at how tense her mother looked. She slid in the guest room's bed, hugging her mother from behind.

Beyoncé placed her hand over her daughter's hand, pulling the teen closer, that was the only type of communication the child had been receiving.

Beyoncé hadn't spoken up since the hospital. She refused to even step foot in the master bedroom.

"Beyoncé, you gotta get up and moving, love. I refuse to let you live like this. I know it hurts but you can't neglect your children."

Solange walked in with Raegan by her side. The little boy ran to his mother with open arms, only to be met with silence.

Ryah detached herself from her mother and left the room, but not before kissing her aunt and her birth giver first.


His fingers flexed, his fist opened and closed in hopes of being acknowledged by his mother.

Beyoncé stared at the child, seconds later she burst into tears, scaring the little boy.

Solange frowned, picking the crying boy up, walking over to the foot of the bed.

"Juju, this is your baby, too. You're going hurt his feelings if you continue to ignore him...." Solange rubbed her older sister's arm through the duvet.

Beyoncé put her hands up to her mouth to conceal the sobs that were begging to leave her mouth.

Raegan looked at his mother through watery eyes, he placed his head on his aunt's shoulder.

"Is all of the blood gone?"

Solange's lips moved but nothing came out.

"I want that entire room renovated. I want everything that's in there to be destroyed."

Solange rocked the little boy as she listened to her big sister.

"I need alone time. Away from everything and everyone."

"That's not healthy, Bey." Solange frowned, thinking of how much pain her sister was going through.

In every aspect of her life.

"I want a....I want a divorce. I can't take it anymore. My body is failing me, my mind is trying to process things I shouldn't even have to stress over, my heart is heavy. I-I'm not in top shape right now, I refuse to let my kids see me like this. I just need you to take care of the children while I figure everything out. D-don't, I mean do NOT, take your anger out on her. I want to end this as simple as possible."

Solange watched as she snuggled deeper into the covers. She watched as the wet spot on the pillow became bigger as Beyoncé cried silently.


"Leave me, please. Just for right now."

Beyoncé didn't bother to take a look at her son.

Robyn bit the knuckle of her index finger as her mother scolded her. Monica shook her head, speaking harshly in Barbadian patios.

"I'm not like him!" Robyn screamed over her mother, her face was as red as a tomato, her body as hot as fire.

"You're not showing me different! I didn't raise you like this, Robyn! You're risking it for those beautiful children of yours! You won't feel that pain until someone is reading Raegan bedtime stories. You won't feel shit until your twins are looking up someone who treats their mother correctly. You'll see, when someone is loving and touching in your wife in ways you have."

Robyn shook her had, grabbing at the roots of her hair. Pressure began to build up in her head as her mother's words provoked that inner child.

She rubbed her temples before abruptly standing up.

"Y'all don't understand shit I do or say. I don't give a fuck anymore. Nothing I do will ever be good enough to meet the impossible ass standards motherfuckers set. I'm done!"

"Watch ya damn mouth, Rihanna. You better be careful what you do to that woman."

Her mother followed her out of the home she spent most of her childhood in.

Her mother continued to taunt her as she grabbed her keys out of the bowl.

Monica cussed and cried as she watched her eldest child walk away. She cried at failing to tame that wildness that her daughter possessed. She cried at history repeating itself. She cried for Beyoncé and the tragic loss of her unborn grandchild.

Robyn sped off, her mind set on Beyoncé and home. The home in which she's torn apart since the beginning.

She looked in the review mirror, laughing sadly at how far she'd came. In her heart, she knew she should've have lasted even this long with her wife.

Everything she'd ignored moments ago began to grow heavy on her. Her mother's voice played over and over like a sad song she couldn't skip.

The sun left the sky, Beyoncé left the bed she'd been confined to all week.

Her fingers moved the mouse around, looking at unread emails.

She stumbled upon an anonymous email.

Multiple anonymous emails.

Her eyes scanned over the screen, her brain did the math as she read the bank statements from Robyn's account.

Thousands upon thousands going in and going out of the account.

The reason as to why so much was being deposited and withdrawn brought a bigger chuckle up out of her.

She continued to scroll, statements dating back to the year Onika "died" popped up.

Her phone dinged, that tone of Robyn's special text tone. Without looking down, she threw the phone on the bed and continued to search through the authentic bank statements she received from the anonymous email.

Her phone went off again and again.

The blonde's attention was taken by the facts she'd use in the papers to file her divorce.

Looks as if she was going to have to call that lawyer faster than she wanted to.

A phone number typed in bold caught her eye before she exited the email.

The singer stood up, walking to the bed to fetch her cellphone.

Her fingers went to work with the 10 digits on the screen. It barely rung before the line connected.

"So, we meet again?" The husky voice laughed hearing Beyoncé gasp.

Beyoncé pulled the phone away from her ear, making sure that voice she heard was that a of a real person's.


My sis really filing for divorce and her significant other isn't even aware....I-


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