Ch 4 Sistaa

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And in walked Mahogany *LOX*! I looked up to her so much! She was like my inspiration!

"Hey gurl!" She smiled kindly, "you mush be Katie! I'm Mahogany" she said pulling me in for a hug.

"Yup that's me, wait how did you know who I am? Nash said he didn't tell anyone?" I thought out loud.

"Well I'm not one of the guys, he can't keep anything from me...I'm his weakness!" She giggled

"So your a thing??"

"No!! Never! Haha he's like my brother!" She rambled getting red

"Ok...I totally believe you!"

She just give me a death stare but she could only hold it for a couple secs before we both burst out laughing.

"I like you, your ok, most of the girls I meet here just want a pic or the guys numba's or something" she said smiling sweetly at me. She was so nice, better than I thought she would me, more accepting I guess. I could already tell we were gonna be great friends!

"Well I'm gonna unpack quickly so we can go see the guys, there just through there right?" She asked pointing towards the door that connected our room to the guys.

"Yeah, Nash said to go through whenever we're ready, I wanted to wait for you tho cuz I'm still a lil shy meeting them all I guess" I said looking at my feet.

"Why? There the nicest guys ever!"

"I know I'm just scared incase they like ask me something about why I moved here and stuff" I said, sitting on the bed.

"I know what happened, Nash told me everything, I'm so sorry hunny, it makes me so angry that this kinda thing happens" she said softly joining me on the bed. I looked up at her, tears in my eyes. She must have noticed cuz next thing I knew I was being crushed my her strong arms while she hugged me. It felt good.

"Don't worry ok? I'm gonna look after you like yo my sister, ok?" She said moving a whisp of hair from my face. I really trusted her i think.

"Thanks, you should unpack, they guys will wonder what's talking us so long" I said as she stood up rushing to her case.

"Ok it should only take 20 mins tops, 10 if you help me?" She begged giving her best puppy dog face, I gave in :)


After I unpacked I hurried to the Jack's and Shawns room where all the rest of the guys were. I was guessing they had some questions and I'd rather have them ask me than Katie, she's so...sensitive and delicate.

I got to there room and collapsed on the bed, everything went silent. I looked up to see all the guys giving me a "so???" Face. Well here goes again.

"So I'm guessing y'all have questions?" I said looking up, I could see right through them.

Cam spoke up first "well yeah, but we didn't want to ask in the limo, she looked upset" that's what I thought. I'm kinda glad of that tho. If Hayes or I could answer most of their questions it means they won't need to ask Katie about it, I really don't want her upset, she's had enough of that this past while to last two lifetimes.

"Well...shoot" I said sitting up. They all started asking things at once, I was bombarded with questions, woah they needed to chill.

"Ok, ok, ok! Chill! How bout we go round the room?" They all nodded yes in response. Great.

Matt was up first. "Ok so what happened to her family? Like more detail? Cuz I don't really watch the news..." She finished.

"Well" *sigh* "there's not much more to it than what I said in the limo really, this guy set her house on fire, she said she woke up and couldn't see anything cuz of the smoke. She said she ran out her room and just saw flames everywhere, she yelled for her family but they didn't answer, she figured they were outside already cuz there rooms were engulfed. But when she got outside she saw they weren't." I said getting tears in my eyes, I looked up and saw they guys, Matt was already in tears (he was emotional ok guys!)

"What about her family? Like the ones who wernt living with her?" He asked, his voice cracking.

"When she was outside a cop came over to her and told her the same had been done to all her family homes and most of her friends, they still don't know why but they caught the guy. He's not telling them anything except that he's not done." I finished feeling so angry, he killed everyone she loved, what kinda guy does that?!

"Damn, she's been through a lot, how's she holding up?" Jack G asked sounding concerned.

"I dot know really, she seems ok but I think she, well I think she might cut" I said bluntly.

Hayes jumped in "me too, our mom grabbed her arm to take her towards the car and she winced like a lot, and she always wears sweaters too..."

"Well I mean I do t think she should but it's understandable." Aron said. We all just kinda looked at him like "really?"

"C'mon guys, her family's dead, her friends were murdered, she's been shooed away to another country with a new family, that's gotta be hard no matter how hard we all try" he explained. It did make sense but we still needed to make sure she stopped, if she even cut at all.

"Ok any other questions? Maybe not about her family and stuff?" I asked a lil more cheerful. It was Carters turn.

"How old she?"

"14, 15 in a few weeks I think"

"Where did she live, like where in Scotland?"

"A lil town on the coast in the North Ease, I think it was called Macduff?" I tried to remember. Taylor's turn.

"Is she single?" He asked laughing. Hayes answered this time before I could.

"Yeah and don't even think about it Caniff!" He said quickly laughing too.

"I was kiddin chill!" He held his hands up in surrender. Jack J was next.

"What's she like? Ya know what does she like?" I had to think about this one for a minute, after all I had only knew her for almost 3 days now.

"She's very shy, she's pretty sensitive too I guess" I said looking at Hayes, he just nodded yes in agreement. "But she's also a lot of fun, once she gets past her shyness". We answered questions for about 15 more mins then we decided they knew all about her, or at least as much as we did. We started talking about girls after that, Jack J and Shawn's newgirls to be exact. They seemed nice, they said they would be joining us in a few weeks for a while. I was asking Carter about his new car when Taylor screamed SMACK CAM!

Wee all burst out laughing looking at Aron, he was covered in shaving cream and had a huge red hand mark on his left cheek (damn that boy bruises easily). We're were still laughing about it when in walked Mahogany and Katie. God I hope the guys don't ask her about anything...

I hope you guys liked this chapter! And yes I realise no one is actually reading this and I'm talking to myself lol!

Oh well live in hope right?


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