Ch 8 They know...

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Hey guys just a little side note. Sorry this chapters a lil short I just haven't had time, we

decided to go to the relay for life near me and have been out pretty much all day but I

wanted to give you guys something, so here it is! Remember to like if your enjoying it and

want me to keep going with this!




I knew I had to tell the guys, they had to know for like her safety what if she did it again and no one knew? I dread to think what could have happened if Hayes hadn't gone through to check on her.

I realised I was standing still in front of our room door when Matt nudged me gently from behind. He gave me a sympathetic look and said "we gotta do this bro." I nodded in agreement, took a deep breath and opened the door.

Everyone was on their phones as per usual but quickly forgot bout them as we walked in. By some of their faces I could tell some of them already knew about the hate, Carter confirmed this.

"She ok dude? We saw what people were saying" he aid with a grim look. How was I supposed to tell them? Do I just say it? Or lead up to it? God, why is it so difficult! Luckily Matt sensed I was getting stressed and took over.

"She cuts" he just outright said, no lead up, no beating round the bush, just to the point. Well that was Matt for ya.

Everyone's reaction were more or less the same, well except for Mahogany who started to sob silently into Jacobs chest (JOX ;) ) while everyone else had a mixed face of anger, sadness, frustration and worry. I felt so drained even tho I didn't really say anything so I just went over to my bed and lay down, no one said anything.

After about 10 minutes of the silence everyone slowly started talking about Katie and Hayes and I, I think they thought I was asleep. Ha I wish.

"I can't believe she'd do that" mahogany sounded defeated,

"People are so cruel!" Cam murmured under his breath, I could tell he was more mad about the hate than anything else.

"It's not even like she did anything! Why would they say stuff like that??" That was Taylor I think, I was so sleepy I could barley tell now. I could feel myself drifting, I was kinda happy about that, maybe I could get my mind off things for a few hours. But I knew that wouldn't happen. I was too worried about Katie eve though Hayes was with her. He's a really heavy sleeper and I mean that boy could sleep through being on stage at Magcon with all the fans screaming all kinds of fan girl things at him! I just hope she doesn't wake up before he does...


I woke up to the sound of someone snoring like a fricken whale. I peaked open one eye to see Hayes in my bed next to me...wait Hayes? Whys he here? Then I remembered what happened last night. The hate, the cuts, and Hayes finding me. I decided to check out how bad the damage on my arms was when I noticed I was wearing bandages. But Hayes put his shirt around it did he not? And who else would have bandages anyways? Oh god, Matt! He was such a safety guy! Wait, does that mean he saw my wrists? God I hope not.

I rolled of the bed softly and noticed Mahogany asleep across from us, she must have come back after the movie last night. As I made my way to the bathroom I glanced at the clock on the drawers, it was 6:09am so I figured I had bout an hour before everyone else woke up.

I looked in the mirror in the bathroom and was disgusted at what I saw. I was a mess! Bloody clothes and arms, messy hair and my make-up had slid half way down my face! I really needed a shower but I didn't want to wake them up so decided against it. I began to unravel the bandages from my right arm first, I never realised how bad I cut last night! They were long and pretty deep, well I thought so anyways. I slowly did the same to my other arm, thankfully they'd both stopped bleeding, but they were pretty noticeable. I grabbed a face cloth from my bag in the bathroom and started to wash the blood, being careful not to open them again.

After the red tint was gone from my arms I found some dry shampoo and my straighteners and for to work on my hair first since it looked like it was gonna take the longest. After stealthily sneaking across the room Hayes and Mahogany were catching 40 winks in I got dressed. I decided to put on my washed out high wasted shorts, a dark blue long sleeved crop top that said "fancy" to cover my arms and my lime green vans. I put on a lil concealer and mascara. Should I put some on my arms? You know, just in case? I put on some concealer and powder trying my best to cover up the slits, and it worked pretty well! I was about to check my phone when I heard someone get up followed by a soft knock.

"Katie? You in there?" Asked a panicked Hayes. Whys he worried about me? Oh yeah, he probably thinks I'm cutting again. Since I didn't want him to wake up Mahogany I unlocked the door and opened it to see him. A look of relief passed over him instantly.

"I'm sorry-I thought, well I was worried you..." He trailed off looking at his feet. I took a step forward and put my arms around him as he did the same. I owed him so much.

"I'm sorry" I muffled into his shoulder. He pulled back and looked me right in the eyes with a pained look.

"Promise me you'll never do anything like that again" he whispered softly.

"I promise. Thanks Hayes" I said going for another hug cuz ma, his hugs really were the best. He went back to his room soon after that to get ready and I was just in my phone. I wanted to check my twitter and Instagram agin but knew I shouldn't. But I couldn't stand not knowing what was going on and what they were saying about me. To my surprise there were no were near as much hate as there was last night! But how? I scrolled through my feed and noticed all the guys had tweeted something about me! They all said the same thing, not to give me hate and if they did they would be blocked. Wow, I didn't think they'd do something like that for me! I guess I really don't know them yet :)

It wasn't until 7:30am Mahogany woke. She saw me and attacked me with a hug. Jeez everyone just loves me today!

"You ok boo? Nash told us what you did" she said gently, one arm still round me.

"Nash?! How did he know?" Hayes was the one that found me right? He came in and wrapped up my arms and then I was hugging him then, oh I fell asleep. Great.

"He and Matt went over last night cuz Hayes asked them to...then they told us" she whispered.

"S-so everyone knows?" I didn't want them to think i was a freak! I'm not an emo or some fragile girl! I, I guess I just like the pain which is weird I know but I couldn't help it. I needed to feel something and pain is the only thing I can make myself feel, right?

"Yeah they all know, but don't worry non of them are gonna say anything about it, they don't want to make you feel bad"

"Thanks Mahogany" I pulled away from her embrace.

"Well I'm gonna go get ready, I think were gonna go to the beach just before lunch"

I nodded as she made her way to the bathroom. Were going to the beach, great. What was I gonna do about my arms?! I know mahogany said the boys all knew but I still didn't want them to see, it'd be awkward ya know? I guess I could put a scarf over me...ugh! Maybe mahogany will have an idea? Boy i hope so...

Hey guy thanks again for reading! I know I said I'd put up a few chapters today but I just haven't had time! Decided to go somewhere very last minute so been out all day.

Any who I'll be hopefully update again tomorrow if you guys want me too!

Stay awesome!


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