Chapter 2: The Final Masquerade

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My package arrived the same day before we were going to get the semi-truck (which I was SO pumped for!).

I immediately brought it into the kitchen, and opened it up. Sure enough, the compass was in there! And in great condition too! I picked it up and put it on.

"Ooooh shiny!" I cooed. Tessa scoffed and rolled her eyes as she sat at the kitchen table and began to text. I merely smirked and pulled an 'LOTR'. "My preciousssss." I slowly rubbed on it, peering at the still-miraculously-working dial.

"Gabby would you knock it off? It's too early!" Tessa snapped.

"Sheesh. And I thought I was bipolar."

"What's your problem?"

"Well what's your problem with me?!"


Before I could stop myself, I was already boiling over. Yeah, it's not gonna be pretty. "I asked you what the HELL is your problem with me?! All I did was move in here after what happened! I didn't ask for you to be mean because you and Uncle Cade don't see eye-to-eye!"

Tessa's mouth opened and closed, before she abruptly stood and stormed out. Yowch. NOW I did it! I sighed. "life, go bite yourself." I groaned. Then of course, I noticed that Tessa left her cellphone on, and someone was texting her.

That 'someone', was Shane Dyson.

Now, lemme clarify on something. Tessa likes Shane, who I've met a few times. He's Irish, reddish-blonde, handsome, and a race car driver. Can I just say, she hit it lucky? Boy... if he wasn't into her and if Uncle Cade wasn't -yes I'll say it- a prick, I'd totally try for him! Even if he is way, way, way older than me.

'So I was wondering if you'd like to, you know ;)' was his message.

Aw, I couldn't resist! At all! I picked up her phone and texted back.

'Hey Shane this is Gabby. Tessa needed to do something and left her phone on.'

'Oh hi Gabs.'

He called me 'Gabs' because he thought 'Gabby' wasn't 'me' or something like that.

'Can you try to convince that uncle of yours to be open to a 'relationship' between me and Tessa?'

Ooooh... wow.

'Uh, you know that's like asking me to be Moses and part the Red Sea.'




'Sorry to dissapoint man. But seriously. You know my Uncle Cade.'

'I do. Did you and Tessa get into a fight?'

'Gee sherlock, how'd you guess? -3-'

'She would have wrestled the phone away from you by now.'

I laughed. He had a point! Tessa was very... uh... protective of her boy.

'You know me. Bipolar just kicks in and whammo. I run off my mouth. -_-'

'It must suck. A lot.'

'Eh. I get along with the voices inside of my head. 'Don't shoot the messanger' they say.'

'Still addicted to that song by Eminem huh?'

'Basically. It speaks volumes ya know?'

'I do know. :)'

I sighed. Why, why, why did he like Tessa soooo much?! She was sucha- sucha... well. If she wasn't from Texas, she could fit right into Beverly Hills.

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