Chapter 13: Get Up

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I'll tell you this, riding on the back of a giant metal T-Rex has it's perks! Maybe only a little under twenty minutes passed before we'd cleared most of the forest, and Grimlock crashed through an arch.

Welp, the Chinese won't be happy about that I don't think. But remember the part where I said that I had to hold on for dear life?!


Yeah, Grimmy took a few leaps that nearly made me fall. Thank goodness I had a grip and his head mostly stayed solid! "HONG K-K-KONG IN SIGHT!" I shouted as we approached.

"Prepare to hold on Gabby!" Kinda no dip there, but what Prime says, goes! I held on as we slid down the side of a hill and onto the street.

"YAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOO!" I shouted, holding on as we raced through the city and Optimus readied his sword. 

"Faster! Go!" He ordered.

"YOU HEARD HIM GRIMLOCK!" I added in, fist-pumping briefly when I had a chance. The next thing I knew was that he'd leaped off of Grimlock's back and sliced through two Decepticons! I kept holding on, being the only one who could understand what the Dinobot was saying as Optimus swung himself around and onto a ledge.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" He roared, slicing through another. Wow... talk about being kinda fed up! He threw one and I saw my chance.

"OKAY GRIMLOCK! CATCH!" And catch he did, biting down on the sucker hard! Optimus landed and mounted him again as I guided Grimlock to Bumblebee and Hound's location. Scorn and Slug helped out by snapping, biting, hitting and implaing the 'Cons as we tore through! They were going down like nobody's biz! 

"This is awesome!!!" I fangirled, and luckily nobody heard. 

"CHAAARGE!" Optimus roared while Grimlock belched out a blast of fire.

"THIS IS AWESOME!!" I cheered, and this time I'm sure maybe all of Hong King heard me. I held on for dear life as we leapt over a stopped train arch and Grimlock bit one on his way over. We kept going, pressing forwards, getting to the Seed before the 'Cons could.

"HIT A RIGHT!" I ordered, and we swung right. Overhead Swoop, another Dinobot cawed, keeping his optics out for Bumblebee and Hound.

*AHEAD!* He suddenly cawed. *SEE ONE!*

"JUST AHEAD OF US!" I said as we barrleled through the streets. "ATTACK!" I shouted with Prime as we came across another swarm of them. Another belch of fire and it was good night sweet Nessie! 

"Optimus is here!" Hound's voice echoed through the explosions.

*I will take on Yellow One!* Swoop said, spiraling downwards.

"BEE JUMP!" I shouted at him, and jump he did! Swoop caught him in his claws and carried him off! In just a few short minutes, the whole place was leveled. We'd done it!

"WOO!" I cheered, Grimlock stopping. "That was... was...! Gah okay stop fan-girling Gabby." I told myself, shaking my head. 

"GABBY!" Uncle Cade shouted, hurrying out. "GABBY WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING UP THERE?!"

"Enjoying the view." I chuckled. "I'm okay!" I called out to him.

"You!" Optimus pointed his sword downwards at Joshua.

"Who?" He said.

"You!" Uncle Cade shoved him a bit.

"Step forward." Optimus said. "Your science will be responsible for humanity's extinction!"

"Told ya sooooo!" I sang, not being able to help but feel a bit smug. 

"All right, I know that you're sensitive to this whole, bio-ethical dilemma-" Josha tried to reason.

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