Chapter 14: Remember Me

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Uncle Cade had his gun ready, and I had my energy burning. I wasn't sure entirely on offense, but I had defense covered. There was a small explosion a few yards away, and we ran towards it. Up ahead, I could see Optimus and Lockdown in mid-battle, and Optimus was losing! No! 

"over here!" Uncle Cade whispered, and we ducked behind a damaged concrete structure, peeking from around the corner and gazed out at the battle happening. That's when shots were fired, not from Lockdown or Optimus but in front of us!

"ACK!" I yelped, ducking. One grazed my head and I winced, feeling something warm and sticky ooze out. Thankfully or not-so-thankfully, my uncle never noticed.

The unlucky park was that Harold Attinger, the leader of Cemetery Wind was standing there, gun aimed at us! He marched forwards and pointed it right in the middle of my uncle's chest. "Un-!" He grabbed my arm and in one swift movement he hard his arm around my neck in a choke-hold! 

"You see it takes patience to make a man," he told him with bloodshot eyes. "the patience to watch and wait, to protect all of us quietly, for God and country without any recognition at all!" 

"CADE! GABBY!" Optimus yelled, seeing our position. 

"O-Op-hhhgk!" I choked out, getting minimum air. I was gonna pass out...!

"There are no good aliens, or bad aliens Yeager! It's just us, and them."

"not... jus' us... nev... be!" I wheezed, trying to say, 'it's not just us, and it never will be!' but y'know, all air was being nearly cut off at the moment...

"And you chose them. You and this pathetic little girl."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Optimus charge towards me and I managed to send a jolt of energy through Harlod Attinger, break free and hug Uncle Cade and surround us with a force-field while Optimus blasted away the sick man! 

I gasped for breath, dropping it after a few moments. "I-I'm okay...! Woo!" I coughed.

"Any time." Cade murmured, kissing the top of my head as he gazed at the dead body. Wow... well, at least I'd seen more than plenty before, I guess.

I was instantly reminded of what exactly was going on when Lockdown came out of nowhere and attacked Optimus, knocking him into a concrete pillar, then stabbed him with his own sword!!! "NO!" I screeched, regaining my breath and attempted to get to them.

"Gabby!" Uncle Cade grabbed my arm, holding me back. 


"You saved the humans instead of saving yourself, you bring shame upon us all!" Lockdown hissed, green eyes on him. I tore free of Uncle Cade's grip and rushed towards him without thinking! 

"YOU SICK SON OF A-!" I was instantly backhanded, tumbling onto the ground and gaining a new set of scratches and bruises. 

"I will deal with your human pet later." He snarled, not even looking back at me. Uncle Cade fired several shots, grabbing the back of my shirt and pulling me behind a wall to safety.

Lockdown fired his own that nearly demolished it as I snapped out of my brief daze. I heard tires screeching and looked up to see Bumblebee pull up, and Shane and Tessa scramble out!

"Oh boy." I murmured, woozy still. 

"She never listens, never!" Uncle Cade said, but he had a smile on his face. 

"She gets it from you."

"Stay down Gabby, get your head cleared a bit." He told, firing his gun. 

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