Journal Entry 1

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/whole story will be told from Smii7y's point of view unless told other wise/

I walked to my first class, tried eyes. I sipped the hot drink that laid in my hands. Licking my own lips, I sat in my seat and picked up my phone. I scrolled through Twitter, and Instagram.

I heard a group of laughs, and my head turned to see a new kid, and the group I've seen around campus before, and Evans friends. "Hey John, so met us after class! " I think Craig Said.

"Yeah, I'll see you. " this 'john' Said.  I took a glance at him, he was.. really hot- wahhh. He wore a blue, white, pink and purple blowing shirt, black ripped jeans and simple black boots, his hands covered in rings and his nails were painted white with splashes of different colors /hah-/.

I looked away quickly before he saw me, and sighed. I took another gulp of my drink and felt someone walk up to me, hm strange no one sits near me. Not because of any reason, but I guess I don't look interesting.

"Does someone sit here? " I looked over to see 'John', his hand on the seat and books in the other. I shook my head no, and he took the seat. "I'm John, what's your name? " He asked.

"Lucas... " I said, and he smiled. I gave him a questioning look, and he laughed.

"Sorry I just have a cat named Lucas.. it looks just like you. " John said, and I blushed. Shit way to go Brain. "You have any pets? " he asked, and I thought about that lovely dog I had at home.

"Yeah, I have a dog, his names Tucker. " I said, and was about to say something, but the professor had walked in.

"Hello, students, Ready for another boring lesson your gonna forget in a while? Well great, now computers are very hard to find out, they update and you'll have to learn it all over again- Aha anyway... " That was Professor Benter. She was my favorite, for many reasons, the first one being she's my aunt.

She's like, the bomb! Better than my mom, who bailed out and left my dad and aunt to take care of my milky ass. She's also a bomb teacher!

"Now, pull out your phones, tablets and or laptop. Or any other electronic, your small device that's only as capable as you make it be, could change the world.
As we talk right now, they're finding ways of making it bigger, better, and faster, but with that, comes the greater price. " She started, I listened and pulled out my phone, so had everyone else in the class.

"You are what we call our 'next gen'. That device is just gonna make it easier for you to change what happens in this 'next-gen'. Now, let's teach you how to use it.. properly Angelica, I see you. " The class snickered, and I held back a laugh.

Angelica pretended to know everything about computers and technology... she doesn't. She lies about what kind of technology she had. It's sorta like when you go on spring break or you do a project on life. You wanna make it seem like you did everything when you really didn't.

I put my phone away and looked over at John, who was staring right at the teacher. He then looked at me, "Are you too related? " He asked, and my eyes widened.

"How do you know!?" I asked, shocked at how he could tell just from looks.

"Just a hunch, Lucas. "

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