Journal Entry 8

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/back to Lucas's pov/

I sat in class, about ready for that bell to go off. It finally did, and classes ended for that day. Lucky John, getting a fever so he don't have to come to class. I growled and took Johns car back to the dormitory, and walked into our dorm.

"Luca help I'm so cold... " John said, cuddling closer into his blanket. I sighed at him, and grabbed the blanket from my bed to cover him. He grabbed it and cuddled into it.

I sat down on my bed, pulling off my shoes, that are not vans, they are more expensive. "This room feels like a Damb microwave! " I said, pulling off my jacket, and pants, and changing into shorts. That I never wear, but I don't feel like changing it.

"Sorry... " John said sweat dripping down his forehead. Damb this fever is serious... I walked over to John, and put my hand on his head and instantly pulled away from how hot it was.

"I'll be right back, John. " I said, and ran over to Evans room. I knocked, and The door opened.

"What up, Luca? " Evan asked, and I looked around.

"Do you have thermometer, John has a fever? " I asked, and Evan sighed. He went into a kitchen cabinet, and tosses it over to me.

I caught it, "thanks! " I walked out, and back to my dorm. I sat on Johns bed. "Put this in your mouth so I know what's your temperature. " I told him. He took it in his hands, and put it under his tung.

We waited in silence, and the thing beeped. I took it from his mouth, 101.2. "Oh fuck, how can I take care of you... and why the fuck isn't there a hospital near by what the fuck. " I ranted to myself, and John reached his hands to me.

He pulled me down to him. "Shut the fuck up and sleep..." he said, and I listened to him.
His body was half naked, except the shirt that laid around his chest.

I closed my eyes, slowly going to sleep.


Lights flashed around, and loud music surrounded the room. I was about to walk, but the scenery had changed again.

I was met with Johns face, who was all bloody. I was about to help, but it pulled me into a dark room. What's happening?

The scenery changed once again, and I felt arms all around me. They tightened the grip on me, and I started to run out of breath.

The scene changed once again, and I was in a field of flowers. My head laid back.

/dream over/

"What..." I Said, and looked at John, who was fast asleep. I sighed, and laid closer towards him, and drifted off to sleep in his arms.

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