Journal Entry 6

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My eyes flickered, as I waked up. My vision fixed, seeing John asleep in front of me. Arms around my waist, my arm lightly placed on Johns back. I looked over at the clock.. 1:23 pm Sunday.

I leaned back in Johns warmth, and I felt him hold me closer. "What time is it..? " John asked, his eyes still closed.

"1:24. " I said, and John hummed.

"Okay.. " he said, going back to sleep. I looked down at my legs, seeing they were wrapped around Johns' waist. God Damb it. I'm such an idiot.

I'm in love with someone, who I know will probably never like me back, maybe a .01 percent chance. I untangled myself from him, the warmth he held turning into to cold air as soon as I hit the floor.

I quickly got dressed in some jeans and a t-shirt, throwing on a random black and white jacket with two black shoes that had white laces. I brushed my teeth, sending Evan a text.

Me: Evan, I need to talk to you about something.. serious.
Read 1:37 pm

Evan 🔥🔥: Yeah Luca, come over I'm here :)
Sent 1:38

I took a glance over at John, who was still asleep. I smiled and walked out the door. I walked to Evans room and knocked.

Evan opened the door, smiling. I walked in, sitting in his chair. "What's wrong, Luca? Did John hurt you- I swear- " "no... " I said, cutting him off before he went on a rant about what he would do to John.

I looked around, making sure no one else was there before telling him. "I don't know how to say this but I think I'm I like John.. orloveimnotsure! " I said, and Evan smiled.

"I fucking knew it! " Evan said, and I rolled my eyes.

"But I don't think he likes me back.. and if he does then fuck. " I said, and Evan sighed.

"That's how I was with Jonathan, I told him anyway and now look at us! " Evan said, and I bit the inside of my lip. "And if he doesn't feel the same, don't worry there's plenty of fish in the sea. "

"I don't know Evan, I can't just tell him.. I can wait.. fuck me and my falling in love ass. "I mumbled, face planting.

"It's fine Luca, you're just fine. If he breaks you, I'll break his fucking face. I promise. " Evan smiled at me and I smiled back. He opened his arms for a hug, and I accepted it.

Thank the lords that I have such good friends.

/johns point of view/

I laid in bed, the warmth of Luca gone. I sighed, getting up from my bed and brushing my teeth. I lazily throw on my new shirt, that looked like it was two, but it was actually one. I'm so sneaky!

I was about to eat a bowl of cereal until Luca excitedly jumped in the room, a huge smile on his pretty face. "Wanna go to IHOP with me? " He said, and I smiled.

"You know it. " I placed my rings on, and put my jewel in my back pocket. Grabbing my keys and boots as we walked out.

He happily bounced as we walked to my car, and I smiled. I love to see him happy. We got into the car, driving off to the IHOP. I scrolled throw the radio, finding a station that was playing all of me.

I loved that fucking song, just because my sister would sing it all the time and even though I preferred rap, this song was an exception.

I heard Luca hum to the song as he sat in the passenger seat, tapping the seat leather.
I smiled at the boy, continuing to drive to the close by IHOP.

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