Journal Entry 15

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"Dude you need chapstick! " John said I rolled my eyes.

"Give me some then? " I said and John nodded.

"Okay close your eyes. " I looked at him with a confused look and he smiled.

"Trust me. " He said I closed them. John pressed his lips on mine again, and then licked them. "Okay there. " John laughed and I smacked him.

"John! You could have just said to lick my lips. " I said and John laughed.

"I know you liked it tho. " John smiled, and I rolled me eyes.

"Look here buddy, i ain't gay only like dick- wait. " i laughed at the end of the sentence, and John laughed harder. Just like his dick that one day when I grabbed it- Shut up gay thoughts 😤😤😤.

"So you wanna kiss more? " John asked, and then added "no homo. " I laughed and so did he.

"All that homo dude. "


I sat in class and heavily sighed. When? Will? This? Class? Be? Over? I laid my head on the table and thought about something. John slamming his fucking hand in my a-face-desk. Yeah desk. Shit.

"Lucas! Sit up in my classroom! " the teacher yelled and I picked up my head.

"Fuckin bitch. " I mumbled under my breath. She clapped her dumb hands and then growled.

"What did you say? " She asked and I rolled my eyes.

"I said, I'm failing this. " She nodded and continued on with her lesson, constantly. Stalker bitch. The bell finally rang and the teacher yelled.

"The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do! " The teacher yelled, but everyone completely ignored her.
I shoved my hands in my hoodie pocket, and then felt someone slap my ass.

"What the fuck? " I said and turned around to see that kid who always used to sit next to me and was sometimes funny.

"Don't act like it's the first time. " He Said and I looked at him with a 'bitch what the hell' expression.

"It is the first time, dumbass. " I said and he laughed.

"Not even that kid John has tapped it? " i felt my face heat up and hit him straight in the chest.

"No, and bye. " He laughed and then yelled out: "bye loser!" I'll have him know that I shall not be slapped, unless it's John- I hate my brain today.

The more we make out the gayer I get I swear to god.

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