December 1st

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We had texted a lot. So much that my mom began saying she would take my phone away if I did not go outside and enjoy some fresh air. So I did just that.

With you, obviously.

You were staring up into the sky. You were experiencing your first ever snowfall. Sure, you've seen snow but you have never truly stood outside staring at the sky as snow fell around you. You stuck your tongue out and it made me laugh.

"I smell snow, Evangeline," You pointed to the sky. You wore this huge smile on your face, I couldn't help but to replicate it. You were like a newborn, so unaware, it fascinated me. I had never met someone who knew so little about the world. A 19-year-old who has never tried hot chocolate. It should be a crime. I do not even know how it was possible for someone to have experienced so little. You must have been hibernating in your home more than me!

"You can't smell snow Theodore."

"But you can, just close your eyes and really breathe."

"Ok, lay down, let's make a snow angel, I laughedlaughed. You looked at me with curious eyes, "There's not nearly enough snow," you said.

"Let's do it anyways."

You let out a deep laugh, following my precise actions. I turned my head, facing you. I noticed how the corners of your eyes crinkle when you laughed. Your face was red from the icy cold snow. You stretched your arm out, reaching for my hand.

We laid there, hands intertwined, as we continued making snow angels on the grass that was being dabbled in snow.

In that moment, I vowed to give you the absolute best December.

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