December 31st

21 5 7

It is New Years Eve. We are all huddled in my living room. My mom, my dad, your dad, you, and even my brother Alex managed to catch a flight home.

Everyone I love is in this room and I cannot express how much it warms my heart. I feel you squeeze my hand a bit tighter, catching my attention. "You okay?" You're smiling so wide but the crinkles by your eyes show concern.

"Just daydreaming. I'm glad we could all be here together."

"Me too, Lumberjack," you bring my hand up to your lips, placing a tender kiss, "I'll be back. Going to the restroom real quick."

I nod. Soon after my brother plops right beside me on the couch. I turn to face him with a warm smile. As much as we bicker, I love him to death. I know he will always pick up the phone if I need to talk to him. I hate that I do not see him as often but I understand things happen. I'm sure I am going to soon be extremely busy with school when I move to Emerson.

"So, little sis, how are things with Theodore?" I instantly blush, I cannot help it. Sue me.

"You're going to laugh and think I am ridiculous," I murmur. Mom and dad are in the kitchen with Mr. Anderson, they are drinking some wine and snacking on a cheese platter while having a conversation.

"Eva, I promise I won't."

One glance at his face and I knew he wouldn't. My brother had this look of seriousness and endearment. Two emotions he does not show very often.

"I love him. I'm almost 20 and it seems silly to fall in love with someone I've only been dating for a month."

"Well, you've known each other since you were kids. Yeah, you fell out of touch but maybe those emotions were always there somewhere buried deep."

"Alex, I can't even possibly begin to explain it. I'd give up my life for this man. Pretty ironic isn't it---seeing as he's...oh god," I choke on my words, my vision becoming blurry. Alex places a hand on my shoulder, pulling me close into a hug.

"Look I may only be 2 years older than you but I am so proud of you. You're not silly. You have shown me what it truly means to open your heart to someone and I hope I'll be able to do the same to someone I love. Regardless of the time and moment, your love for each other is certain and no one could deny it if they tried."

I'm at a loss for words so I simply nod and that seems to be enough. Alex gets up and that is when I notice you're back. You look a bit pale but you have a bright smile on your face nonetheless.

I get up off the couch, grabbing your hand and leading us to the kitchen, "Is it ok if we go for a walk?"

All the adults give us skeptical eyes but they nod, my mom speaking up, "Sure, but be back soon. We're going to play charades and then have dinner before the midnight countdown."

I slip on my coat and my knit beanie over my curls. I help you slip on your snow boots and then you help me lace up mine. Once we are outside, you burst into laughter. "You just ambushed them...and me! I didn't know we were going on a walk."

"It was spontaneous! Don't act like you don't want to."

"I'll always want to go anywhere and everywhere with you Eva," You grab my hand, lacing our fingers together, "lets go."

The sun is settling and the neighborhood streets are empty. It's cold outside so its no surprise that everyone is inside. We walk in silence, our icy breath visible. Only a few minutes later and we reach the park down the block.

"C'mon Lumberjack, I want to go in the tree house."

"You're making me climb stairs? In this cold? Fine." I pout jokingly.

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