December 29th

13 6 6

"Good morning Mrs. Romero."

"Morning Theodore, where are you two off to today?"

"Oh, we're going sledding. Don't worry though, I'll make sure Eva doesn't do anything stupid."

I can hear my mother laughing with you from the kitchen. She's probably already offered you a cup of hot cocoa while you wait for me. I gushed to her about how I took you to have your first ever mug of hot cocoa and how you loved it. I was like a 7 year old telling her mother about her day at school and all the fun things I did.

I normally do not take long to get ready but I felt like looking cute today. What I mean is, I decide to wear a little makeup. I know I have my insecurities but I do think I can look rather nice without makeup. I just wanted to do something special today.

Just a tiny bit of rosy blush on my cheeks and tip of my nose, followed by a bit of highlight. My mom bought it for me because it was called "silver snowflake" and because it was extremely shimmery. She also told me I can use it to shine brighter than I already do. I only laughed at her silliness, she can be so cheesy sometimes.

I glanced at myself in the mirror one last time, tugging at the pompom strands of my olive colored knit beanie.

I am unsure as to why I feel so jittery and nervous. It is definitely not our first date, in fact we've been hanging out everyday this month so I don't know why my stupid hormones are acting up. Maybe the answer is just as simple as you giving me butterflies everytime we are together.

Ugh Eva, look who is the cheesy one now?

I have been hanging out with my mother way too much. Or I have simply been watching too many crappy Hallmark movies.

I rush downstairs, "'Morning mom," I give her a kiss on the cheek, "I don't know what time we'll be back but I'll text you."

"You'll be back by 11pm, Evangeline."

"Yeah Eva, do you really think that irresponsibly of me? I'll have her home by 10pm Mrs. Romero."

Nice sucking up Theo, as if she didn't already like you more than me.

"You're the sweetest Theo!"

Point proven.

"Well we really should head out, bye mom! Love you," I shout as I grab your hand, interlacing our fingers together and ignoring the ticklish feeling I get in the pit of my stomach.

"What's the rush lumberjack?"

"No rush," I laugh, "I'm just excited. Plus if we didn't leave now, my mom and you would never stop talking. You know how she is"

You grab my hand in yours and bring it up to your lips, kissing it gently. I think that is what I appreciate most about you. You always do the smallest of things but they mean the most to me. I do not need anything extravagant. Simply being able to spend this whole month with you has easily made my entire year. Hell, I do not think anything could top this.

"I'm excited too. I haven't been able to go sledding since I was a kid. I hardly remember it," I say.

The sound of comfortable silence mixes with the soft sound of the icy grass crunching under our snow boots. We walk for a while until we reach the big park near town center. It's already loaded with kids and adults alike, sledding down the big hills. I have always thought of exploring a big city and I guess I will when I go to Emerson but I think when it is time to settle down with a family, I'd like to move here. A small cozy town where I have made irreplaceable memories.

You laugh lightly as someone topples over into the snow. I swat your arm, letting you know that it is not nice to laugh at people.

"I'm not laughing at them Eva, I am laughing with them."

"I think that's the sled rental place," I point to this small shack with a line already forming, "c'mon let's go!" There are all kinds of slides lined up inside and against the walls outside.

Once in line, you stand behind me, wrapping your arms around my waist and resting your chin on my head. Sometimes I really appreciate that you are taller than me. "You know I love you right, Eva?" I can feel the vibration of your voice on my head, it's a funny feeling but I do not mind it much.

I don't bother turning around. "Of course I do. I love you too. What's up?"

Your grip tightens around me, "Nothing. Just wanted to make sure you knew."

I don't say another word. I know what you mean Theodore. As good as you are at doing cutesy things and flirting, when it comes to expressing your true feelings, I know you struggle sometimes.

"Next!" The person working the sled rental shop calls out, urging us to step forward.

"We'll take the two person wooden sled please," I smile and pay the guy. I hate the whole stigma where people say the guy must pay on all dates. I think it is fair to alternate or whoever invites, should pay. I am just as capable as Theo is and I am glad he knows that.

You grab the sled and tuck it under your arm as if it weighs nothing. "Let me help Theo."

That is one thing I can tell you hate being told about. I know you're not weak Theo. But you are also not as strong as you used to be. I do not want to think about it either but because I love you, I have to think about that bad side of things. Even though it pains me.

"I got it, really. Let's climb that big hill!" I can tell you're excited not just from the sound of your voice but from the wide, dimpled smile displayed on your face. I laugh, I just want to poke it. I love your dimples.

Once we reach the top of the hill, we find a spot that is more open with no kids or adults in the way. That way we do not have to worry about crashing into anyone.

You place the sled on the edge of the hill and I place my foot on it so it won't go flying without us.

"Ok you first Theo," I say with a smile on my face.

"No you first!"

"No, you sit and scoot towards the back and then I will sit in front of you."

"Alright fine, lumberjack," You sit down and scoot back. I put more of me weight on the sled so it doesn't go sliding without me. "Come here," you motion for me to sit.

I crouch down and settle between your legs. I feel your arms wrap around my waist tightly.


"As I'll ever be."

And then we are off, shouting at the top of our lungs that little kids who just won a mega prize at the state fair. Not once does your grip loosen on me.

I grip the front string of the sled in hopes of slowing us down. No luck. I start to worry but you are still laughing your head off. "Calm down Eva."

You stick your legs out slowly at first and then start applying pressure so our sled begins slowing down. Right as we are about to come to a halt, the sled hits a small rock and we go tumbling along with our sled.

We are both sprawled across a small hill of snow, laughing at what just happened. Part of me is shocked we are still alive after that.

"You okay, lumberjack?" I turn to face you, your hair covered in fresh snow and your eyes bright as ever.

"Yeah, how about you?"

"I'm great. Now kiss me."

"So demanding...sheesh."

I laugh, playfully hitting you but I do not argue any further. 


It's official. We are two chapters away from the end of this book!! After that I will be going back and *heavily* editing this book. As my writing has changed a bit and there are changes I want to make. I am so excited. 

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