December 3rd.

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It was already 6pm and you told me that you wanted to stay in and watch Christmas movies. When you came to my house, it looked like you had not slept in days. I stood on my tiptoes, trying to get a better look at you. I was worried. The bags under your eyes only furthered my suspicions.

I placed my hand on your cheek and you leaned your face into my palm. Such a small movement made goosebumps appear on my arms. I quickly pulled my arm away, wondering what made me do such a thing.

"Are you ok, Theo?"

"Fine", you whispered. The words came out so quietly that if I was not standing so close to you, I would have not heard. I decided to take your word for it.

"Let's watch The Grinch. It used to be my favorite movie when I was a kid."

I agreed, only because I loved that movie as well. During the song, "Where are you Christmas", you inched closer to me. Warmth radiated off your body and I took it as an invitation to scoot closer. I could smell your musky-earthy cologne. It had a hint of cinnamon in it. It reminded me of a tree lot during Christmas. I made a note to take you to a Christmas lot to pick a tree, you'd love it.

I whispered along to the words and out of the corner of my eye, I noticed you stealing glances. I felt my cheeks heat up so I grabbed a pillow and hugged it closer to my chest,

slightly burying my face into it. I felt like a twelve year old, almost embarrassed but I think I would have been more embarrassed if you kept seeing my blush. Is this what it's like to hang out with a cute boy?

"We should build a fort," I whispered suddenly. My eyes were twinkling with excitement. But when I turned to face you, your eyelids were shut and you were emitting the tiniest of snores. Considering how exhausted you looked, I let you sleep.

I got up in search of various blankets and temporary weights. My feet that were covered in fuzzy socks, danced against the wooden floors of my living room.

Ever so quietly I began creating a fort. I occasionally =checked to make sure if you were still sleeping. You definitely were. You looked so eerily still that I got worried. I inched closer, hovering over you like a concerned parent. The continuation of your soft snores signified that you were in fact still breathing.

I dragged blankets up and over the TV and held it down with weights. I wrapped blankets around bookshelves so it seemed as if we were in our own little world. Our own escape.

It was not until I accidentally tripped onto the floor and landed on the remote control, that you stirred awake.

"Evangeline?" You murmured.

I really did not mean to wake you. I am just a clumsy person.

You looked around, sitting up to get a better look. I waited for you to say something. You were silent but in a matter of seconds, you broke out into a smile.

"You..." you looked up and saw the twinkling lights that I had dangled all around, "Did all this?"

"Yeah," I look down at my feet, nervous about your reaction. "Do it?" For all I knew you could think this was childish and lame.

We were like kids asking each other if we liked our scribbled drawings.

"Eva, I love it. In fact, I feel so much better now." You must have been telling the truth because you jumped up and off the couch. You rushed towards me and began tickling me. I was not even anxious about you hearing my laugh, like I always am. I was too distracted by your own laugh. We tumbled onto the ground. You clutched the edge of the couch, taking a few deep breaths before resuming.

"Stop!" I said. "No more tickling, please." You ignored me.

"Theo." My words came out more whispered than I anticipated. It was then when you stopped and laid down beside me softly.

We stared up at the twinkling lights. This was better than any stargazing. I was next to you, you had your arm wrapped around me. I closed me eyes. How I had managed to feel so much for you in such a little amount of time was unfathomable.

"Evangeline?" You asked. I turned to face you, leaning on my arm. Daringly, I placed my hand on your cheek like I had done earlier. You held in your breath.

Too distracted by the slight awkwardness, I looked away. I did not turn back to face you because I was too nervous to see the facial expression that resided on your face.

You did not mind though because I felt your soft skin against mine when you leaned in to place a kiss on my forehead.

"I'll see you tomorrow Evangeline." Your breath was hot against my neck.

Suffice to say I got minimal sleep that night. 

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