Authors Note + Dedication

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I recently watched CMBYN and since then I've been OBSESSED.

It's such an amazing movie and at some point I will read the book. 

I have an amazing internet friend called Ali and they finally watched the movie and since then we both fangirl over it together. We send head cannons back and forth and we inspired each other to write a fanfiction each. I wanna dedicate this  to her for motivating me to write this and motivating me in general. She's such an amazing person and I don't know what I'd do without her. I would love if anyone who reads this would give her story 'Call Me By Your Name: Aftermath' as much love as possible. 

To Ali, thank you so much for being an amazing human and being in my life, I really hope one day we can meet and I can say all these things in person. I love you!

Anyways, I hope all you people who decide to read this enjoy it and I hope I don't give up on the second chapter like always.

PS- At some point I will add the playlist I made for this somewhere.

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