Chapter 3

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Oliver opened the door and held it open while I pulled the suitcase up the few steps that led to his home.

From what I could see, the house was spotlessly clean which was kind of unexpected. Oliver had always seemed to be a kind of messy person. I thought there would be books and pieces of paper all over the room. Maybe Jenny was a clean person?

I could hear quiet chatter in another room that stopped abruptly once Oliver closed the door behind me.

"Daddy, You're home!" I here as a little girl comes running through. She hugs onto Oliver's legs and clings tightly. Oliver beams happily and lets go of the handle of the suitcase. He picks her up, kissing  her on the cheek while kicking off his shoes.

"Did you have a good day at school, Ellie?" He asks, she then begins gushing about her day and how she made two new friends. suddenly she stops and looks at me. Ellie hides away and leans into Oliver's chest. 

"Ellie, this is Elio. Elio, this is Ellie." Oliver introduces us to each other and I smile softly at her. I give a little wave and begin to take my shoes off, copying Oliver. 

Padded footsteps walk into the room and Jenny greets us. She and Ellie look identical, apart from the fact that Ellie has her father's hair and eye colour. But facial feature wise, they looked the same.

She had a bright, kind smile on her face and straight away she pulled me into a friendly hug. I hugged her back and pulled away with a shy smile. 

"Hi, I'm Jenny, you must be the famous Elio?"

I nod along before speaking. "I am, it's lovely to finally meet you! Thank you so much for letting me stay with you." 

Oliver puts Ellie onto the floor and she runs over to Jenny, clinging onto her leg.

Admittedly, Jenny is beautiful. No wonder I had no competition against her, she was perfect. Her and Oliver looked as if they were meant to be. A picture perfect couple with an picture perfect child. It was a family straight out of a fairy tale book.

"It's no bother at all, I was the one that offered the idea to Oliver, he instantly agreed of course. I was just excited to meet the guy my husband never stops talking about." She grins at Oliver who freezes slightly. 

I find it hard to breathe for a moment after those words. Oliver never stops talking about me? It must just be some sort of exaggeration. Of course it is, how could it be anything else? He probably talks about Italy, that must be what she means.

Oliver recovers with an awkward, forced laugh and begins to talk. "Oh shush, Jenny. We don't want to boost his ego any further."

I laughed along to try and recover from the lack of oxygen in my lungs. "Coming from you? The first few day after I met you, I was sure you had the biggest ego ever!" I replied jokingly, Jenny started laughing, clearly not noticing the awkward tension between her husband and I.

She asked me how my flight went and I repeated the same thing I said to Oliver. Ellie began to warm up to me after a few minutes of small talk. She shuffled over to me slowly and I crouched down to her level. I offered my hand for her to shake. She took it, only managing to hold 4 of my fingers. I pulled a funny face for her and she let out a small giggle.

"Elio, would you like me to show you to your room?" Oliver asked me and I nodded, yawning almost on command. 

I grabbed my suitcase and backpack, Oliver taking the other. "Thank you again, so much Jenny. This would have been so much more difficult without your kind offer." I say to her, smiling. It was so painful to talk to her as if there was nothing wrong. As if I had never felt anything at all to the man who she loved and was the father to her daughter. 

She just rolled her eyes fondly in response, "It's really no problem, at all. I mean it." 

Oliver began to pull my suitcase up the stairs. I waved goodbye to Jenny and Ellie before following in suit. It was a bit more difficult for me, since I was a lot more lanky and lacking in any type of muscle, but I just about managed. Oliver waited for me at the top, a smug expression on his face that kind of made me want to slap it off.

He was definitely as arrogant as he was those few years ago, no difference there apparently.

I stop at the top, catching my breath before following him along to 'my' room. He pushes the door open and puts the suitcase in one of the empty corners. There's is a desk, a bookshelf, a wardrobe and a single bed. It's simple but perfect. 

I put my luggage down with the rest before flopping back onto the bed with a deep sigh. I lie there for a few seconds before sitting up. "You're probably sick of me saying this to you, but thank you again, Oliver."

Oliver nods at me before turning towards the door. "Don't worry about it. You get yourself sorted and rest up, I know I was tired after travelling from here to your place, you will too." He replies before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

I lay my head back down on the pillow and closed my eyes. I really want to sit and think over the events of today,  but I'm way too tired. Without sitting up, I pull off the top half of my clothes, just leaving on my sweatpants. There's a thick comforter on the bed, which I instantly wrap tightly around myself. 

I quickly drift off into a deep sleep, thinking about Oliver and how I really need to get over him, because otherwise I'm going to be driven insane.


I hope you guys enjoy this part. It's a little bit shorter but I really liked this one. Please vote, comment, etc! Byee!

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