Chapter 2

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I can't believe it's actually him. He's actually standing right in front of me and I have no idea how to act. 

The words 'act natural' seemed to stick out the most.

What the fuck is 'acting natural' and why didn't I learn how to do it before this trip? Right now, I definitely don't look like I'm acting natural at all. I realize my eyes are widened in shock and blink rapidly.  It's impossible to try and grasp onto the fact that I'm actually in the same room as him.

He is warmly grinning at me and I decide that now is probably the moment where I walk over to him. I try to walk over as calmly as possible but it's damn near impossible and I trip over one of the suitcase wheels. 

"Ah, shit." I mumble under my breath  and try to recover as smoothly as I can, but he had already noticed my stumble. He looked as if he was going to say some smart ass comment but decided against it; probably because of my flaming red face.

As I pull my suitcases to a halt in front of Oliver, he pulls me into a tight hug. I hug him back and let out a deep sigh I didn't realize I was holding.

"Hello, Elio."

"Long time, no see Oliver."

He pulled away from the hug and I did the same, reluctantly. I smile up at him and notice that the height difference hadn't changed at all, which was ever so slightly annoying but comforting all the same.

"How was your flight? No problems at all?" Oliver asked and took the handle of one of my suitcases. 

"Thank you. Nope! The people that were meant to be sitting beside me didn't turn up, so I had peace and quiet for the entire flight." I said as I dragged along the other one, following beside him.

"It's no problem. I'm glad to hear it wasn't too bad." He replied and I smiled at him as we exited the airport. 

The crisp New York air was amazing to feel after being stuck on the plane and in the airports. The sky was different here, compared to Italy. It was a slightly duller blue but beautiful at the same time, due to the white clouds that drifted slowly.

Oliver and I walked together quietly, not quite knowing what to say. Finally he spoke up and I could have cried with relief.

"So, have you thought about what you're wanting to do while you're here? I know you've found the college you want to go to, but have you any ideas about apartments?" Oliver questioned me as we began to load up my luggage into the boot of his car.

"I made a few inquiries and about half of them replied to me. There's a couple of potential roommates I have interviews with this week." I reply and open the passenger car door. 

"That's good to hear. By the way, Jenny is sorry she couldn't be here, she had to pick up Ellie from preschool." Oliver says and turns the car engine on before pulling out of the parking lot. 

Her name seems to sting me with jealousy and again I regret my choice to come here, to him. "It's no problem, I'm a little bit grouchy after the flight anyways."

Oliver laughed a little and I grinned at him, regrets washed away instantly.

Why was I so god damn infatuated with him? Why hadn't the feelings that I have for Oliver disappeared with time, like they did for him? Last, but not least, why was I obsessed with every little thing he did?

The lyrics of some cliche love song played throughout the speakers and I sighed a little. All I wanted right now was some food and to sleep. Although, right now, sleep was definitely my priority. The nap I had on the plane had been restless and the past few nights it had been increasingly more difficult to get some sleep. I wonder if it had been the same for Oliver?

I hummed along to the chorus and tapped my knee, wondering if I could maybe learn it on piano? If not piano, then guitar. The song seemed to be called 'Never Tear Us Apart.'

My parents were sending my guitar over because I was too worried it would get lost or broken. It was strange to not have it nearby, like a comfort blanket in a way.

As the song came to an end, in the corner of my eye I could see Oliver glance at me. I must have got carried away while humming and annoyed him.

"Was I humming too loud? Sorry.." I mumbled the apology slightly, a hint of embarrassment in my tone of voice.

"No, no, I was just thinking." Oliver said with a slight glint in his eye.

"About?" Curiosity was taking over.

"How I can already tell you haven't changed much at all." He said and looked at me for a moment, before returning his focus on the busy New York streets ahead of us.

"I guess some things never change." 

I looked at him as I said those words and looked for any flicker of emotion. If he was annoyed or hurt, he didn't show it. Mentally slapping myself, I look down at my lap, praying that somehow he hadn't heard me.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to stay? Is Jenny okay with it?" 

Oliver nods. "It's all perfectly fine, she seems very excited to have you stay over." He reassures me.

"That's good, I wouldn't like to have to stay in some run down hotel and get straight on another plane tomorrow." I joke, although, if things continue on this way, I just might. All this awkwardness is killing me slowly.

"Don't worry about it Elio, I bet she'll love you." He said, but I wasn't convinced one bit.

I nod and look out of the window. The New York scenery is breathtaking. After spending a lot of my life in Italy, it was strange to return to a more modern setting. We sit through the rest of the car ride in a slightly uncomfortable silence, but I'm glad. At least then I can't make a fool of myself anymore.

We soon arrive at Oliver's home and I'm so exhausted. I'm just looking forward to sleeping at this point. 

I open the door and close it behind me before walking to the back of the car. Oliver had already taken my luggage out and I grabbed a suitcase. 

I could finally look at Oliver properly in the sunlight and he definitely had not changed much. He had slightly more noticeable dark circles, but 6 years ago it was a relaxing summer in Italy and he didn't have a 4 year old daughter. His hair was neater and slightly shorter but apart from that, he looked as if he was still 23.

He began to turn around to face me and I quickly turned to face somewhere else before he could notice me staring like some sort of creep.

Oliver walked towards me, dragging the other suitcase. I turned back to him, hoping he hadn't noticed me staring. "You ready to go in?"

I nodded shyly, feeling myself shrink ever so slightly. "Readier than I'll ever be."


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