It Started in Sydney

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"Taryn.." he breathed, his hot breath trickling down my spine. "I think I love you." he whispers, thrusting into me one last time before we both reach our climax, riding out our high together.

And that was it. Those 3 words scared me, or maybe it was him, and we didn't talk again after that. And I honestly didn't plan on it again until my mom came home today.

"Taryn I have very exciting news, you get to see Luke again!"

"What?!" I choked.

"I bought you and Ariana backstage passes to his show tonight!"

Now if you know my mom, you know it's impossible to reject any of her 'gifts'.

Sure, backstage passes to any band sounds pretty cool, unless you have history with lead singer. A bad history at that.

"Oh my god thanks mom, can't wait!" I say, trying to sound enthusiastic. Luckily she buys my false excitement and goes back to doing her yoga, leaving me alone to figure out how this night is going to play out.

Luke POV

Another day, another show. Life can't get much better for a 17 year old boy; traveling the world with my 3 best friends doing what we love.

I have a weird feeling about tonight, though. You'd think id be super excited considering we're playing our hometown, but something just seems... off.

"You okay Lukey?" Calum asks me.

"Is it just me or does it seem like something bad is going to happen tonight?" I ask.

"What, like Taryn showing up? C'mon bro, we'll rock it tonight. It's not every day you get to play your for your own town."

"I guess you're right."

The rest of rehearsals went perfectly, and all we had left to do before the show was a meet and greet. Fan after fan, picture after picture, hug after hug. It's incredible how many people spend this much money for just 2 minutes with us.

After signing about 400 pictures, I feel Mikey start to nudge me.

"No fucking way.." I hear Ashton whisper. I look up, wondering what the hell they're talking about. And then I realize it's not a what, it's a who. It's her. I shoot Calum a death glare.

"I had no idea I swear." He says quietly.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Why the fuck is she here? I take my time signing, letting the line move as slowly as possible to delay this ... 'reunion'. Unfortunately my 'slow' wasn't slow enough.

"Hi I'm Luke!" I say, not looking up at her. "Thank you so much for all your support, hope you like the show." I hand her the poster, hoping she would walk away.

"Luke. It's me? Taryn." No such luck.

Tarynz POV

He looked up at me slowly, eyes full of pain, but he was still wearing that killer smile.

"Taryn old friend, it's great to see you! Hope you enjoy the show!" He says quickly, messing with the posters in front of him.

"Luke can we talk?" I ask seriously. His smile fades, and the other boys and a few fans start staring now.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Please, just 5 minutes. Thats all I'm asking." I plead. I need to explain myself to him. The guilt has been eating me alive for the past 2 years and nows my chance to get this damn weight off my shoulders.

"5 minutes til show time, boys!" A stage worker yells.

"After the show." Luke says. I nod and follow Ariana to our backstage seating area.

"What was that about?" Ari asks.

"Looong story."

Luke's POV

I can't believe she had the nerve to come here tonight. You don't just take someone's virginity and never talk to them again. Who the fuck does that? And I fucking told her I loved her. I'm such an idiot.

I couldn't get it off my mind throughout the whole show; my fingers felt like jelly against the guitar strings and I screwed up at least 4 of my solos. The show finally ends and I debate on jumping into the crowd, letting them eat me alive instead of having to talk to Taryn. I reluctantly walk backstage and she trails behind me, following to my dressing room. I slam the door behind her.

After a few moments of angry silence, she speaks.


"Why didn't you call?" I half-yell. "You had me at my most vulnerable moment, I fucking tell you I love you, and you just ignore me after that?"

"I was fucking scared okay? I mean you can't just drop the L word while your dick is inside of me! And you were about to leave and-"

"And there you have it, YouTubers, Luke Hemmings is NOT a virgin! Who is she Luke? Did you really lose it to some random fan?"

Who the fuck was this and why was she hiding in my dressing room?

"Uhh no... she's my... girlfriend?"

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