Chapter 14

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I groan for the 50th time in the past 20 minutes.

"Luke I swear you're the only guy that would ask a girl on a date without actually having a plan." Ashton says.

"I should just text her and ask her what she wants to do."

"No!!" They all yell at the same time. I groan again.

"Its already 4! I told her i'd pick her up at 6:30....."

"You better figure something out bro." Cal says, and they all leave the room.


It's almost 6:30 and I'm freaking out. Luke wouldn't even tell me how I should dress, so I just threw on a casual white dress with sandals. And by "just threw it on", I mean I've been trying on different outfits since noon.

At exactly 6:30, the doorbell rings. I open the door, finding an extremely

attractive looking Luke holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Woah.." He whispers, eyes raking up and down my body. "Oh, uh, these are for you." He hands me the bouquet.

"Thanks..." I whisper, smiling at my feet. I walk to the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase.

"You look beautiful, you know." His voice surprises me, and I nearly

drop the vase I'm holding. "Nervous?"

"Incredibly..." I whisper, still not making eye contact. He just chuckles and continues to watch me fumble with the flowers.

"Hey.." He whispers, grabbing my shaky hands away from the flowers. "You're cute when you're nervous." I roll my eyes and push him away. I finally look at him and instantly relax once I see he's wearing his usual black skinny jeans and band shirt. At least we're not doing anything too fancy.

"Taryn Thompson, were you just checking me out?" He laughs.

"Let's go." I groan, pushing him back towards the door. Of course Richard is there, holding the car door open for us.

"Do you ever drive your own car?" I ask Luke as we take our seats in the back.

"Um no.." He starts to look really uncomfortable.

"Why not?" I ask.

"I uh... don't uh... have my license.." He whispers.

"What?!" I yell. "Since when?!"

"I failed the test 3 times and then gave up..." I start laughing. Hard. "Its not funny...." He whispers, looking away.

"Yes it is. Okay so where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."


"Nandos. You're taking me to Nandos?!" I laugh.

"Hey, it's your favorite!"

"Liar, it's your favorite."

"Okay maybe." He laughs. We climb out of the car into the awaiting sea of cameras and microphones.

"Don't pay attention to anyone, just follow me." Luke whispers to me, lacing his fingers into mine. I do as told, following closely behind as people shove cameras into our faces.

We eventually make it to the front of the restaurant, where a hostess immediately leads us to a back table.

"Table for two." She says, her eyes lingering on Luke a second too long.

"Ahem." I fake cough. She glances back at me and scurries away.

"Aw is someone jealous?" Luke teases.

"Who, me? Not at all." He laughs.

The waitress comes and takes our orders quickly, leaving us time to talk.

"So, 20 questions." He says. "You first."

"Do you think that hostess is pretty?" I ask. He laughs.

"Nowhere near as pretty as you." He smiles.


"Alright thompson, my turn. So, do you fuck on the first date?" Her jaw drops and I laugh. "Joking, joking. What's your favorite word?"

"Hmm..." She scrunches her eyebrows in thought. "Tomorrow."

"Tomorrow is your favorite word?" She nods. "Procrastinator."

The waitress comes back with our food, and our little game goes on pause as we eat.

"I'm so full.." She leans back in her seat, laughing at something on her phone.

"What's so funny?" I ask. She hands me her phone which is opened to a tweet.

@hemmo_lover672: this bitch better never be sad, she's fucking had LUKE HEMMINGS DICK INSIDE OF HER

A picture of me and Taryn is attached, the blurriness making it seem as if Taryn is crying.

"Yeah bitch, you better not be sad. You got THE Luke Hemming's dick, like oh my god!" I say. She rolls her eyes and laughs. After I pay for our dinner, we sneak out the back where Richard is waiting with the car.

"Thanks for tonight Luke, I had fun." She says, resting her head on my shoulder as we settle in the back seat.

"Oh it's not over yet. Just you wait."

15 minutes later, we pull up to our destination.

"Are we-"

"Yep." I say proudly. About 50 feet from the car stands a huge hot air balloon. "Give me your phone." I say as we get out of the car.

"Okay, why?" She hands it over. I place both mine and hers in the glovebox.

"It's just gonna be me and you, no distractions."


"So back to twenty questions...." I mumble into her hair, my hands wrapped around her waist. We're looking out over the city from the hot air balloon, and the view is breathtaking.

"Okay, ask." She says softly, running her fingertips lightly over my arms.

"What happened between your mom and dad?" She drops her hands and turns to face me.

"He cheated. Like, he got another woman pregnant kind of cheating. Not just a hookup."

"Oh my god...." I whisper. "Taryn, I'm so sorry..."

"'s okay. Sometimes people do shitty things, yeah?" I can tell by the look in her eyes that it's not okay, and that she's just trying to keep a smile.

"Hey, you don't have to lie to me okay? Like I want you to tell me if you're sad or upset or whatever. Okay?" She doesn't respond, she just wraps her arms around my neck, kissing me deeply. My hands wrap around her waist instinctively, pulling her even closer to me. Before we get any further, a loud popping noise erupts from the balloon above us.

"Uhhh, maybe we should land?" She asks.

"Taryn.... I don't know how to land it.."

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