Chapter 8

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Shopping. Shopping is what she came up with. That's the last fucking time I so kindly let her choose what we do. And of course, me being the loving boyfriend that I am, I get to pay for it all. Yaaaaay.

"How was your date with the whores?" Taryn asks as she climbs into the car. Little does she know, I was really at the Children's Hospital, entertaining the kids. But I can't let her know that.

"Hot. And Sweaty." She just rolls her eyes.

After 15 uncomfortably silent minutes, Richard drops us by the front entrance of the mall. As we walk through the gates of hell, I can almost feel Taryn's mood lighten. Girls are so weird. I hear whispers all around us and quickly grab her hand. Time to play the worlds best boyfriend.

The first store she drags me into is Francesca's. There's not even a guy's section, so all I can do is follow her around like a damn puppy while she hands me various hangers of clothes for her to try on. She goes to try on all 75 shirts, but only comes out liking one. Once again, girls are weird. I buy her the shirt, and silently swear as she pulls me toward Intermix, saying she needs a nice dress for some event we have coming up. I swear, she knows my schedule better than I do. This time, she only finds about 3 dresses she likes and heads to the fitting room. I walk around the store probably looking like a 5 year old who's lost his mommy.

"Um, Luke?" I hear Taryn from behind me. When I turn around, my jaw nearly hits the floor. She comes out wearing an extremely tight black dress that hugged her curves in all the right places. How the fuck am I supposed to keep up this asshole thing when all I want to do is take her right here in the middle of the goddamn mall?!

"No. I refuse to buy you that. Besides, it doesn't even look that good." I lie.


"Well lucky for you, I get paid 4 grand a week just to do this. So I'm buying it." I try not to let his comment affect me, but it does. I thought the dress looked really good on me.. but I guess I was wrong. I'm only buying it to show he has no control over me.

"Can we go home?" I ask after I buy the dress. As much as I want to keep shopping, I'm kind of done with being Luke's girlfriend for the day.

"Gladly." He responds, not looking at me. We walk hand in hand toward the exit.

"OH MY GOD, ITS LUKE HEMMINGS!!!" We turn around to see about 5 teenage girls running toward us.

"Fuck, run!" Luke yells, pulling me to God knows where. Pretty soon, the group of 5 girls turns into a crowd of 50, separating Luke and I.

"Luke!" I yell, but I can't be seen or heard over everyone.

"Hey, I know who you are." One girl says to me. "Kat, look, it's Luke's girlfriend." Wow, they actually knew who I was.

"Wait, didn't you hook up with Ashton? Does it not bother Luke that you're, like, such a slut?" More girls were starting to turn to me.

"You don't even deserve Luke, who do you think you are?"

"You're not even that pretty, like what the hell?"

"Everyone knows he's only dating you for the sex."

I start feeling lightheaded. Any which way I turn, they're still there. Angry faces, crude comments. My breathing gets heavier and heavier, I can physically feel the oxygen leaving my body.

"Hey, leave her alone! If you guys were real fans, you'd support our relationship. I fucking love this girl and you guys should be happy for us."

I feel a pair of hands grab me, and then everything goes black.


I wake up in our hotel room to soft singing and quiet strumming on a guitar. It's Luke.

"Night after night, day after day

Jack and Coke smoking on the fire escape

Is it too soon, or is it too late?

Id give you my heart, but I'd just fuck it up

Yeah we'd end up, we'd end up wasted"

"Luke?" I croak, my throat immensely dry. The music immediately stops.

"How are you feeling?" He asks as he walks in, then proceeds to sit on the edge of the bed.

"What happened?" I ask, rubbing my aching head. Everything hurts. I remember shopping, I remember him being an ass per usual, and then my memories blank. "Did you fucking roofie me?!" I attempt to yell, but fail.

"No, what the fuck? No, we got mobbed at the mall. Well, I did. You kinda got sucked into it."

It all starts flooding back into my memory. The girls, the comments, me passing out...

"I-I'm sorry." I whisper.

"Are you apologizing for being attacked?" He asks, chuckling.

"I dunno, I guess I kinda made it look like you have a weak girlfriend. One who can't really handle being in the spotlight. And some of what they said was true.."

"Oh yeah, I'm totally only dating you for the sex." He laughs again.

"Um, are you feeling alright?" I ask, holding a hand up to his forehead. He was being so nice and so ... not Luke-like.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." He swats my hand away. "I just feel kind of bad, I know they've said some nasty things to you. Just don't pay attention to them, they get remarkably jealous. Can you really blame them, though? I mean look at me." He says with a wink.

"Yeah right, that's what I spend my entire day trying to NOT do."

He acts all offended, and we both laugh.

"Oh, by the way. Your mom called while you were still passed out. She wants us to come over for dinner tonight."

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