Chapter 16, Part 1

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"Taryn?! Did you hear me?! You're not- Oh my god, what happened?! What did you do?!" I feel arms wrap around me and pick me up, and then I slowly nod off. When i wake up, I'm in a white room with cords attached all over my body.

"Mom??" I glance around at the empty chairs.

"Your mother had to leave, but you do have another visitor." A man in a white coat tells me.

"Ashton!!!" I yell as the messy haired boy walks in. He smiles meekly and sits in one of the chairs. We both look at the doctor, who gets the clue and leaves the room.

"Taryn... what happened?" Ashton asks softly. I don't answer. He gets up from his seat and walks toward me. "Tell me." He says whispers.

"I-I don't know, Luke got really mad at me, I thought I was pregnant, and it just kinda seemed like the world was ending.."

"Wait you're pregnant?!" He asks excitedly.

"No Ashton." I roll my eyes.

"Right, sorry. Taryn, look at me," He demands. "Please, don't ever do this again. I'm not trying to one-up your situation, but I've been in your shoes. I thought the world was ending, and I didn't really want to be a part of it." He starts messing with the bracelets on his left wrist. "I know how it feels, to feel like there's no one. To feel like there's no way out and you're alone." He takes my hand, running my fingers over the deep scars underneath the bracelets. "But trust me Taryn, it gets better. It always gets better."

"But I am stuck.." I whimper, "stuck in this stupid contract. It's ruining my life."

"Buuut now we can see each other again. And you can always come and tell me how big of an asshole that Luke Hemmings is. I'll agree with you every time." He laughs.

"I fucking love you." I tell him. I move over in the stiff bed, and motion for him to get in. He does as told, wrapping one arm behind my neck.

"Soo Ashy, what have I missed in your life?!" I ask, realizing I haven't talked to him in forever.

"Well, you remember that girl Lexie from the party?" I nod. "We're kind of a thing now."

"Ooooh Ashy has a girlfriend!" I taunt.

"No! No, it's not official. Yet." He blushes.

"Wow. I can't believe I just saw the Ashton Irwin blush." Our laughs are interrupted by a cough. My neck snaps up, and I see the last person I expected to show up.

"I don't think you should be here." Ashton says calmly.

"I don't think that's your place to say." Luke says, glancing at me.

"She's only in here because of you." Ashton starts to get up from the bed, but I tug him back.

"Ashton, no.. it's okay." I say. But when I look back by the door, Luke is gone.


"She's only in here because of you."

The words ring in my head as I walk through the dimly lit hallway of this shitty hospital. Okay so yeah, I flipped a shit on her. But she didn't tell me she was fucking pregnant..? Who the fuck does that? And of course I'm made to look like the bad guy. As always.

After escaping the brutal fluorescent lighting, I get in my car and Richard takes me right where I'm meant to be. The bar.

"Jack and coke." The drink is in front of me within seconds, and I down it. But one just isn't enough. I gulp down 2 more, and I can finally feel my muscles start to relax.

"You know what I hate?" I slur to the very attractive bar tender. She raises an eyebrow.

"Everyone already has this set image of who you are. No matter what good things you do, they'll only focus on the bad. I'm a good guy!"

"I'm sure you are, Mister Jack-and-Coke and 2 in the afternoon."

"I took her on an amazing date, Nando's and a hot air balloon ride! Sure, we had a death scare but it's the thought that co-"

"Wait up, you took a girl on a date to Nando's? That's your problem."

"See. There you go, only focusing on the bad that I've done. I could save an entire country from a war and people would still call me an asshole."

"So why not be the asshole everyone thinks you are?"

I contemplate her suggestion over 3 more Jack & Cokes. The more I think about it, the more it makes sense. So, I decide to start by having a get together with 3 of my favorite girls: Desiree, Leeana, and Destini.

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