The pain of the past

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Rachel's p.o.v.
I was sitting there watching Finn walk over to Jackson then I see Jackson turn around and start crying into Finn. It just broke my heart. I think Finn is about to find out about Jacksons tricky past...

Finn's p.o.v.
I was sitting just letting Jackson cry into my shoulder. I feel so bad. I don't even know what happened. I really missed this, you know being a dad and being here for your kids when they need you the most. I've just missed out on so much.

He stops crying, brakes are hug, and just looks at me.

"What happened?" I ask look at him.

"I have to tell you something...." he says to me.

"Ok I'm listening."

"Well about a year I was in a really bad place. Like I was drinking a lot, partying, sleeping with a lot of girls and doing tons of other bad things. Then this one time I was doing it with a girl from school and about two weeks later she found out she was pregnant with my child." He says to me and my eyes widen but he keeps going. "So she decided not to get an abortion but she didn't want to keep the baby. She wanted to give it a better life. And that wasn't with us. So a couple months later I was in the hospital with her and she just had our baby girl. The delivery was super hard on her. Then all the sudden she started to not be able to breath and her heart was slowly slowing down. After about an hour of trying to safe her life, she died..." he said tearing up but he wiped his tears and continued " I went through so much hurt and pain after losing my daughter to another family and then losing my girlfriend. I loved them so much. So I decided to straighten up my act a little bit and thats when I started too get more overprotective of Emma. I just don't want anything happening to her. Or to have her experience everything what I went through. Emma honestly saved my life. She helped me through some of the hardest times.
I cannot let anything happen to her and now she has a boyfriend. I just feel like I'm gonna lose her and she's gonna end up in a big heartbreak like me."

"Jackson... I-I'm so sorry..." I say then hug him tightly.

"It's ok... but will you help me watch out for Em too. I mean since your her dad." He says. I nod and chuckle.

"I'm sorry..." I say to him again. He looks at me.

"For what?" He asks.

"I'm your dad and I should have been there for you when you were going through everything. I'm just really sorry." I say to him sincerely.

"It's ok. Your here now."

"Yeah and I'm never leaving again." I say to him and he smiles.

"We should probably go before mom cries a river over there." He says sarcastically and pointing to Rachel who sitting in the grass smiling with tears all over her face. I laugh and we walk over to her,she hugs us and then we head back to her house.

We get there and walk inside to see Emma pacing around biting her finger nails not noticing we were there.

Jackson purposely coughs to get her attention. She quickly jerks her head and sees him.  A smile grows on her face and she runs over to him and jumps into his arms.

"I'm so glad your ok. Never do that to me again got it?" She says still hugging me.

"Ok I promise." He says chuckling.

"I love you." She says to him then kisses his cheek.

"I love you too." He says with a smile then they brake there hug. Me and Rachel keep smiling at them. We spend the rest of the night talking and just hanging out together.

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