Stone cold

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Jackson's p.o.v.
"I'm sorry but if you guys won't except that this is who I am then I'm leaving...." she says then leaves.

I look at my mom and dad and their just standing there speechless.

"Why did you let her leave!!!! Your her parents you should have done something to stop that!!!" I say with angry tears.

"Jackson she needs time..." My moms says to me. I shake my head and run upstairs.

Rachel's p.o.v.
It's been 3 days since Emma left and we all miss her like crazy. We have been trying to get a hold of her but nothing.. Finn and Jackson haven't even seen her at school. They've been looking around for her for a couple days also but still nothing... But I'm home with the two little ones right now and I'm getting ready for my date tonight with Finn. We both thought that it would be a good thing just so we can get our minds of this situation.

Finn's p.o.v.
It was time for glee and all my students came in and sat down in all there chairs so I started this weeks lesson.

"Ok everyone so this weeks lesson is all about our emotions. I know everyone goes through hard times and believe it or not sometimes it's helps to express those emotions by singing to get through the hard times. So, if any of you have a song that helps you through those times you are more than welcome to sing them for us." I say with a smile and no one raises their hand yet. I stand there awkwardly for a moment not knowing what to do.

"Anytime now... The floors open." I say with a nervous laugh.

"I would like to sing something." I hear someone say. I look over and see Emma standing by the door.

"Emma..." I say smiling then run over and hug her even though she smells like alcohol and smoke. She just stands there and doesn't hug me back. That's not the Emma I know.

"So can I sing something?" She says rudely while looking at Devon and braking are hug. "It's not a tryout song I just need to express some "emotions." " She says rudely glaring at Devon.

"O-Ok go ahead." I say a little scared of what's about to come out of her mouth. She walks to the middle of the room.

"This song is all about breakups and heartbreak. I know we have all been there and it hurts like hell. So this song is for the girls but it really goes out to the boys." She says bitterly. Then Devon looks at her sadly and she just starts singing.

{song starts}
Stone cold
Stone cold
You see me standing
But I'm dyin' on the floor
Stone cold
Stone cold
Maybe if I don't cry
I won't feel anymore

Stone cold
God knows I try to feel
Happy for you
Know that I am
Even if I can't understand
I'll take the pain
Give me the truth
Me and my heart
We'll make it through
If happy is her
I'm happy for you

Hmm, mm-mm, mm

Stone cold
Stone cold
You're dancing with her
While I'm staring at my phone
Stone cold
Stone cold
I was your amber, but now
She's your shade of gold

Stone cold
God knows I try to feel
Happy for you
Know that I am
Even if I can't understand
I'll take the pain
Give me the truth
Me and my heart
We'll make it through
If happy is her
I'm happy for you

Don't wanna be stone cold
I wish I could mend this
But here's my good-bye
Oh, I'm happy for you
Know that I am
Even if I can't understand
If happy is her
If happy is her
I'm happy for you.
{song ends}
Everyone stands there shocked.  She has such an amazing voice. Just like her mom. Suddenly everyone stands up and cheers. Emma wipes her tears and runs out.

Emma's p.o.v.
I ran out of the classroom cause I just couldn't be in there any longer. I run into the locker room cause I needed to just be alone.

"I know who you sang that song to." I hear someone say then I look over and see it's her. The girl who Davon cheated on me with.

"Go away Stacy. I have nothing to say to you. Your just a self centered slut who is not worth my time." I say rolling my eyes.

"Oh but I have something to say to you." She says with a smirk then sits down next to me. "You know, I appreciate that in the song you sang it said that you were happy for me but we both know your not. You are just a selfish little brat who has always gotten all the boys. But now it's finally my turn and if you dare try to brake us up I will end you. So do yourself a favor and stay the hell away." She says then stands up, flips her ponytail, and leaves.

I start to cry realizing that it's really over between me and Devon. I run out to my car and just start to drive while sobbing uncontrollably. I start rummaging through my car to look for tissues when I find some on the floor next to me so I look down and reach for them and grab them. Then I look up and everything goes black....

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