Move in with me

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Jackson's p.o.v.
I get home and see that no ones home. My phone screen lights up with a text then I see a picture of me and Danielle when she was pregnant with Olivia. We looked so happy. I can't believe she's gone. I can not screw up my chance with my daughter cause she's all I have left. I just keep staring at the picture and sit down on the couch and just start crying.

Rachel's p.o.v.
I get home from picking up Amelia and Toby from daycare when I hear sniffling coming from the living room. I peak around the corner and see Jackson silently crying with his head in his hands. I look around and see Toby just staring at Jackson.

"Mommy what's wrong with brother?" He asks frowning.

"I don't know buddy but I need you to go upstairs and play with your toys while I talk to him. Can you do that for me?" I ask him. He nods smiling then runs upstairs. I put Amelia who is in her car seat sleeping down onto the floor next to the door then walk over to Jackson. I sit down next to him and gently place my hand on his shoulder. He jerks up and looks at me.

"Jack what's wrong?" He looks at me, falls into my arms, and just brakes down crying. I sit there and just rub his back.

Finns p.o.v.
Me and Emma got done grocery shopping now we're bringing all the groceries in the house. We walked into the house and see Amelia just sitting by the door alone. She started to wakeup and cry so as Emma put the groceries in the pantry I pick her up.

"Hey princess." I say to her as I rock her back and forth while kissing her tiny head.
Then we her loud sniffling coming from the living room. Emma turns towards me.

"Was that Jackson??" She asks looking around to see where he was.

"Yeah I think they're in the living room." I say putting Amelia in her swing and walking towards the living room with Emma.

Once we get in there we see Rachel hugging Jackson as he cries into her shoulder. Emma looks at me and runs over starts hugging him. I start to walk over when I see Jackson's phone on the floor next to him. I pick it up and see his screen saver of him and what looks like his girlfriend who died. They looked so happy here. I walk over to Rachel and tap her on the shoulder.

"Hey rach." I whisper is her ear.

"What?" She says looking up at me.

"I found this next to him on the couch." I say and showing her the picture. She sighed knowing the fact that he was crying about Danielle. I set the phone down and sit right beside Rachel and just rub her back as she hugs Jackson. A couple minutes later he calms down and lets go of Rachel.

"Jackson what happened?" Emma asks him putting her hand on his shoulder.

"I saw her." He says tearing up again.

"Saw who?" Rachel asks curiously.

"My daughter."

We look at each other shocked. Well we were not expecting that.

"She looks so much like her." He says wiping the tears off his face.

"Oh Jackson..." Rachel says then hugs him again.

"I can't screw this up... I mean I just met her and I'm already in love with her. She's like my chance at a new life." He says with a soft smile. Me and Rachel look at each other with tears in our eyes.

"Can we see a picture?" I ask him. He smiles and nods as he pulls out his phone.

"Here." He says handing us his phone with a picture of him holding this gorgeous baby.

"Whats her name?" Emma asks as she looks at the picture smiling.

"Olivia." He says smiling.

"Wow Jackson she's beautiful." Rachel says.

"I know. She reminds me so much of Danielle. I'm just afraid that I'm gonna screw my chance with her up and let Danielle down." He says putting his head down.

"Hey Jackson you're not gonna screw this up. You are such a good person and I bet you are gonna be the best father to Olivia. Sure you've been through a lot hard things but that made you into the man you are today. Just don't do anything stupid and you'll be fine." I say with a chuckle at my last part. He smiles then hugs me.

"Thanks you guys." He says with a smile.

"You're gonna be a great dad Jackson. There's no doubt about that." Rachel says with a smile as she gets up from the couch. She walks into the kitchen to start making dinner so I follow her.

"Hey I haven't seen you all day." I say kissing Rachel's cheek. She looks down blushing.

"I know. I've missed you." She says then kisses me on the lips this time. But we get interrupted by Amelia crying in her swing. We smile and look down at her.

"I'll get her." I say then pick her up.

"Hey little miss. Are you hungry?" She cries some more. "Oh I think you are." I say in a baby voice as I rock her back and forth.

"Here." Rachel says handing me a bottle for her.

"Oh thanks." I say with a smile then start feeding her.

Rachel's p.o.v.
I start making dinner but I just can't keep my eyes off of Finn. He's literally the best father a kid could ask for. I look back at him as he is just feeding Amelia her bottle and smiling down at her.

"Move in with me." I blurt out. Oh shit I just said that. I turn around and face the stove. He immediately looks up.

"What??" He asks.

"Nevermind I was stupid even asking you that. It just came out. God I'm so dumb. I know it's a big thing." I turn around nervously. A smile grows on his face.

"I would love too." He says.

"Wait seriously??" I ask him. He starts walking towards me.

"Of course I would. I mean every night I leave here and head back to my trashy hotel room I miss you guys so much. Cause I can't stand being away from the people I love." He says looking into my eyes. I smile then kiss him passionately but then yet again the baby interrupts us with her crying.

"Looks like someone just wants their mommy." Finn says handing me Amelia. I kiss her little head then we hear laughing from the other room. Me and Finn walk towards the living room and see Toby, Emma, and Jackson laughing themselves sick while playing Mario cart.

"I love our family. I think we did pretty good." Finn says looking at them with a smile.

"Me too." I say smiling.

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